Gloria Gabriel

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Gloria Gabriel (* 1971 in Kehl as Gloria Oppermann , initially known by her maiden name, later names therefore also Gloria Oppermann-Gabriel or Gloria Gabriel-Oppermann ) is a German singer of Christian pop music .


Gloria Gabriel was born in 1971 as the last of four children to the German evangelist Johannes Oppermann and his wife, the Canadian Annie Marie. Gloria did a socio-pedagogical training and then studied music at the European Bible Seminar , today: European Theological Seminar , in Rudersberg . The vocal duo Johnny & Gloria released their first album in 1988 under the title Ein neue Tag , published by Hans-Rudolf Hintermann .

In 1998, her solo debut, Atemholm , was released under the Schulte & Gerth label , produced by Klaus Heizmann , still under the name Gloria Oppermann. In the same year she married the graduate engineer Wilhelm Gabriel and then performed until the release of her second solo album with double names in different combinations (Oppermann-Gabriel / Gabriel-Oppermann). In 2000, a Christmas collaboration project with flutist Heike Wetzel and pianist Wolfgang Zerbin , entitled Towards the Light, followed . Her second studio album, Precious Pearl , was released in 2001, produced by Wolfgang Zerbin.

In addition to her teaching activities, the freelance singer has worked on projects such as Living Psalms and Songs on the Life of Christian producers such as Jochen Rieger and Klaus Heizmann .


Individual evidence

  2. Archive link ( Memento from January 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  7. Archived copy ( Memento of October 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive )