Golmer Luch

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Coordinates: 52 ° 24 ′ 0 ″  N , 12 ° 58 ′ 0.01 ″  E The Golmer Luch denotes a valley with heights of 28 to 31 m above sea level. HN in the west and south of the Potsdam district of Golm near the Great Zernsee .

The designation " Luch " indicates that this area is a formerly muddy landscape. Despite attempts to settle by Swiss farmers by Friedrich Wilhelm from 1685 for the purpose of land reclamation, the moor character was retained over a larger area. In 1925 the Federation for Bird Protection ( NABU ) acquired 15 hectares together with the Volksbund. These were the last unspoilt bog near Berlin to be placed under nature protection in 1927 and were among the first nature reserves of the then German Empire. From 1934, however, the area was used for waste disposal in Berlin. The rubbish was shipped to the Golmer Luch in garbage cans and unloaded there by a dredger. With the help of water, the waste was then pumped 1 km into the country. It was only after the fall of the Wall that a citizens' initiative in Golm was able to campaign for the landfill to be closed and sealed. Today the Golmer Luch is designated as a landscape protection area.

The former great ornithological importance of the Golm lynx as a resting place for Nordic geese and duckbirds as well as breeding grounds for native waterfowl and waders has declined sharply due to drainage, filling and the operation of landfills. However, a large number of songbirds can still be found today.


  • Dietmar Bleyl: Landscape protection versus economic use. In: Dietmar Bleyl (Ed.): Nattwerder 1685–2010. 325 years of settlement on the Golmer Bruch. Association of Swiss Colonists' Village Werder e. V. Druckerei Rüss Potsdam 2010, pp. 76–81.
  • Manfred Feiler: On the bird world of the Golm lynx. In: Potsdamer Land 1959. Home calendar for the Potsdam district. Edited by the Potsdam District Council in conjunction with the German Cultural Association, Potsdam-Land district management 1959, pp. 83–88.
  • Hermann Fellien: On the settlement of the colonists in the Golmer Luch. In: Potsdamer Land 1959. Home calendar for the Potsdam district. Edited by the Potsdam District Council in conjunction with the German Cultural Association, Potsdam-Land district management 1959, pp. 88–91.
  • Kurt Gruhl: The Golmer Luch. Tragedy of a nature reserve. In: Märkische Heimat. From the nature and history of the Cottbus - Frankfurt / Oder - Potsdam districts. Issue 3/1956, pp. 34-37.
  • Walter Iwan (Ed.): The Golmer Luch. (= Berlin Geographical Works. Issue 18). Commissioned by J. Engelhorns Nachf., Stuttgart 1939
  • H. Schlueter: What happened to the Golmer Luch nature reserve? In: Nature conservation and national culture. 1955 yearbook, pp. 89-93.
  • Werner Schmidt (ed.): Havelland around Werder, Lehnin and Ketzin. Results of regional studies in the areas of Groß Kreutz, Ketzin, Lehnin and Werder. (= Values ​​of the German homeland . Volume 53). Self-published by the Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig 1992, ISBN 3-86082-014-1 , p. 103 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Duntze: The cultivation of Brandenburg by the great elector . In: Berlin monthly magazine ( Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein ) . Issue 7, 2000, ISSN  0944-5560 ( luise-berlin.de ).
  2. ^ Information ( memento of April 3, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) from NABU
  3. Beate Mechthild Schulz: Garbage. To the history of a problem. The collection and recycling of urban waste in Germany from 1850 to 1945 (part 1). form + Zweck 2 + 3, 1991, pp. 18-23