Gottfried Mauersberger

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Gottfried Mauersberger (born October 7, 1931 in Zwickau , † May 17, 1994 in Berlin ) was a German ornithologist .


Mauersberger was already enthusiastic about nature as a 15-year-old and two years later he joined an ornithological working group in the natural history museum of his home town of Zwickau, which later dictated his main direction. During his studies in Leipzig he worked in a group of active ornithologists around Heinrich Dathe and Robert Gerber . In the semester break he worked as a "bird warden" on the ferry island .

After completing his studies, he joined Erwin Stresemann in 1955 for the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. He was initially concerned with the development of the atlas on the distribution of Palearctic birds , which Stresemann had launched together with Leonid Alexandrowitsch Portenko . In 1961 Mauersberger succeeded Stresemann as head of the ornithological department. He stayed at the museum until his death.

Mauersberger was decidedly aloof from the political leadership of the GDR , which denied him the opportunity to join the official leadership of the GDR ornithologists, to participate in an international scientific exchange or to travel to the West. His research trips took him to Central Asia , North Korea and Mongolia , with which he contributed above all to knowledge about the distribution of the native bird species. After the reunification , he finally traveled to Australia , New Zealand and several times to Central America .


In 1960, the depiction of the birds appeared on 500 printed pages in the series "Urania-Tierreich", which was addressed to a wide audience. Mauersberger published his dissertation in 1966 under the title Behavior and taxonomic position of the black-headed gull . He dealt extensively with the ecology of birds and was co-editor of Acta ornithoecologica . He also devoted himself to depicting the life of important ornithologists, among whom the detailed work on Martin Hinrich Lichtenstein stands out.


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