Gottlieb Ignaz von Ezdorf

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Gottlieb Ignaz von Etzdorf

Gottlieb Ignaz von Ezdorf ( Gottlieb Ignaz Graf von Ezdorf ; born July 31, 1743 in Landshut , † January 31, 1806 in Stuttgart ) was a German privy councilor, treasurer and writer. The name is also given in literature and various sources as Etzdorf , and Marquardt occasionally appears as a middle name .


Gottlieb Ignaz Freiherr von Ezdorf was born in Landshut in 1743 as the son of Franz Xavier Freiherrn von Ezdorf (died June 6, 1772) and his wife Maria Theresa, Countess von Lamberg (died April 26, 1776). His father was Vizedom zu Landshut (1757–1772) and the builder of the Etzdorf-Palais (around 1745) in Ländgasse in the old town center of Landshut .

Gottlieb Ignaz had two brothers: Maria Joseph Johann (1733–1803) and Ludwig Adam (1739–1814). He was married to Magdalena Freiin von Welden from 1771. There were six children from this marriage: Maria Johanna Philippine (1773–1854), Joseph Anselm Ignaz (1775–1829), Maria Sigmund Franz von Sales (1778–1837), Franz Wilhelm Gangolph Johann Baptist (1782–1874), Maria Carolina Crescentia Walburga (1784–1839) and Maria Anna Febronia Antonia (1787–1864).

Von Ezdorf studied in Ingolstadt and Munich. From 1770 he lived in Ellwangen , from 1771 as the vice cathedral of the prince provosty. In the Bavarian court and state calendar for 1781 he appears as the "well-bored Mr. Gottlieb Freyherr von Ezdorf, on Essenbach, Dornwang, Salhof, Hunds- und Geratspaint", Grand Cross Lord of the noble knightly order of St. Michael , Electoral Chamberlain and Councilor of Straubing , Elector of Mainz real Privy Councilor, Princely Ellwangian Vice-Cathedral and member of the Electoral Academy of Sciences in Munich.

On August 19, 1790 he was raised to the rank of imperial count. In 1775 he was accepted as an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . In 1791 he received the dignity of Count Palatine from Bavaria . In 1795 he also became the Imperial Privy Council. After Ellwangen passed to Württemberg, Ezdorf retained the dignity of a secret council and was appointed head chef in Württemberg.

He wrote travelogues and a variety of other writings that appeared in print. He can also be proven as a librettist. When mankind hunts under pressure , set to music by Johann Baptist Lasser (1751–1805), is a poem for the birthday of Duchess Maria Josepha Amalia von Zweibrücken. Handwritten records are a description of the Prince Provost of Ellwangen from 1786 (and later) and a revision of this work from 1803 known as the Etzdorf Chronicle.

Works (selection)

  • Statistical tables of Europe . 1793
  • About the decline of religion and morals . 1796
  • Tearing through some areas of Swabia and Franconia. Dedicated to the friends of the truth . Frankfurt / Leipzig 1794
  • Ground plan of a statistical customer of Old Württemberg . 1805


  • Thomas Freller: Gottlieb Ignaz von Etzdorf - Stations in the career of an Ellwangian Videdom, writer and beneficiary hunter . In: Ellwanger Jahrbuch 43 (2010), pp. 33–60

See also

  • Etzdorff ; Saxon-Thuringian noble family

Individual evidence

  1. p. 102 ( Google Books ).
  2. Nobility register, Bavarian Main State Archives, files GrE5a
  3. ^ Honorary members of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences
  4. ; Augsburg Ordinari Post Newspaper. Supplement dated June 30, 1791 ( Google Books ).
  5. .
  6. Freller 2010, p. 48.
  7. University Library Munich 4 ° Cod. Ms. 355 ( digitized version ), 356 ( digitized version ) and 357 ( digitized version ), second part of the description of the land offices, the first is missing. Reviewed by Klaus Graf : Ellwanger manuscripts in the Munich University Library . In: ostalb / einhorn 7 (1980), pp. 65–67 ( Freidok ).

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