Thank God Dietrich Miller

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Gottlob Dietrich Miller , also: Gottlob Dieterich von Miller (born October 26, 1753 in Ulm ; † 1822 ibid) was a German lawyer who co-founded the Hainbund in Göttingen during his studies .


Miller was the son of the Ulm rector Johann Peter Miller . To distinguish it from his cousin Johann Martin Miller (a grandson of the Ulm preacher Johann Martin Miller (1693–1747), a brother of Gottlob Dietrich's father), Gottlob Dietrich was also called "little Miller" by the federal brothers. He studied law in Göttingen from 1771 to 1774 and at that time lived with his cousin, who was studying theology, with their mutual relative, the theology professor Johann Peter Miller (1725–1789).

With his cousin on September 12, 1772, he was one of the founders of the Hainbund . He was the federal secretary who kept the "Federal Journal" on the weekly meetings (today owned by the Göttingen State Library). As a poet, he was one of the less productive. In the "Federal Book", in which the members' poems were collected, he is represented with 9 poems. Johann Friedrich Hahn dedicated the piece An Gottlieb Dietrich Miller on the piano (1772) to him in the Für Klopstock collection (1773 ). As part of the Bard cult of the group, which was borne by the Ossian enthusiasm of the time , the members adopted "Bardic" pseudonyms , so Miller the name "Bardenhold".

In 1774 he became a subdelegation secretary from Ulm for a visit to the Reich Chamber Court in Wetzlar . 1776, he was in casting Dr. jur. PhD. He then became a council counselor in Ulm , later a senior judicial officer in Ulm and a senior judicial officer in Munich, and was ennobled.



  • Miller, Gottlob Dietrich. In: Johann Jacob Gradmann : The learned Swabia: or Lexicon of the now living Swabian writers. Ravensburg 1802, p. 385 f. ( Digitized version )
  • Miller, Gottlob Dietrich. In: Albrecht Weyermann : Messages from scholars, artists and other strange people from Ulm. Ulm 1798, p. 393 f. ( Digitized version )
  • Miller (Gottlob Dietrich). In: Georg Christoph Hamberger, Johann Georg Meusel: The learned Teutschland or lexicon of the now living German writers. Vol. XI. Lemgo 1805, p. 539 f. ( Digitized version )
  • Miller (jun.), Gottlob Dietrich (von). In: Frank Raberg : Biographical Lexicon for Ulm and Neu-Ulm 1802–2009 . Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft im Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern 2010, ISBN 978-3-7995-8040-3 , p. 274 f .

Individual evidence

  1. Erich Schmidt:  Miller, Johann Martin (poet) . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 21, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1885, pp. 750-755.