Thank God Moritz Nathusius

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Thank God Moritz Nathusius

Gottlob Moritz Rudolf Nathusius (born July 22, 1876 in Magdeburg , † November 10, 1936 in Magdeburg) was an entrepreneur in Magdeburg. In addition to his own tobacco factories, he also managed a large valve and armaments company in Magdeburg.

Youth and pre-war

Gottlob Nathusius was born in Magdeburg as the eldest of four children of Gottlob August Nathusius (1849–1906). His mother was Katharina, née von Raabe (1857–1920), daughter of Colonel Karl Alexander von Raabe.

Nathusius grew up in his parents' house in Breiten Weg 175/177 in Magdeburg and attended the secondary school there (later the Wilhelm Raabe School). In 1890 he did military service as a one-year volunteer with the Magdeburg Hussar Regiment No. 10 in Stendal . During the subsequent commercial apprenticeship, he initially completed a commercial apprenticeship at Bartsch & Schultze in Magdeburg from 1894 to 1897, and later he volunteered at large raw tobacco importers in Bremen and Amsterdam . Finally he spent a year studying in Paris .

From October 10, 1899, he worked as an authorized signatory in his father's company, the Gottlob Nathusius tobacco factory , and on January 1, 1904, he became a partner there. After the death of his father in 1906 he became the sole owner of the works. Under his management, the company was modernized, the machinery and technical equipment were converted to modern production. When the First World War broke out , around 100 different types of cigars were produced in the Magdeburg central factory and the external branches.

First World War and post-war period

During the war, Gottlob Nathusius was initially appointed as captain of the reserve . He served, among other things, as leader of the reserve infantry ammunition column No. 43 at the IX. Reserve Corps on the Western Front . As an award for his missions he received both classes of the Iron Cross , the Iron Crescent and the Commander's Cross of the Duke of Saxony-Ernestine House Order with Swords.

Shortly before the end of the war, he resigned from military service as a major in the reserve in 1918 and, in addition to his resumed work as a managing partner at the tobacco factories, was appointed commercial director of the Magdeburg Armaturen- und Munitionswerke Polte . His younger brother, Martin Nathusius , married Margarete Polte (1886–1977), one of Eugen Polte's two daughters, in 1906 . In 1917 Margarete Nathusius was transferred 50% of the Polte-Werke, which from then on operated as an OHG.

On November 14, 1918, Gottlob Moritz Nathusius - together with the husband of the second Polte daughter, Arnulf Freiherr von Gillern - was accepted as a partner in Polte-Werke. In the next few years he succeeded in converting the manufacture of Polte plants from war to peace production, which was forced until the end of the war. During his time as the responsible managing director, the heavy fittings in particular became products that are known and valued worldwide. Due to disagreements with Gillern, Nathusius left the Polte-Werke in 1929 as managing director and partner and then devoted himself exclusively to his cigar factories.


On August 8, 1919, Nathusius married Margarete Voigt. The two children Marga and Gottlob Hans Nathusius (1925–2008) emerged from the marriage. The latter was to become the last owner and manager of the Nathusius tobacco factories until they were expropriated in 1950. Margarete Nathusius died in 1972 and was buried in the Auerbach mountain cemetery.

Gottlob Moritz Nathusius collapsed at his desk in the factory in November 1936 and was taken to Magdeburg's Old Town Hospital. There he died a few days later at the age of sixty. His grave is in the south cemetery in Magdeburg.


  • Martin Nathusius: The "Magdeburg Line" of the Nathusius family, illustrated line of trunks. N / A, print: IRL Imprimeries Reunies Lausanne, Saint-Sulpice (Switzerland) 1985.
  • Lilly von Nathusius: Johann Gottlob Nathusius (1760–1835) and his descendants as well as his nephew Moritz Nathusius with his descendants. Detmold 1964, p. 220.
  • Georg Wenzel: German business leader . Life courses of German business personalities. A reference book on 13,000 business figures of our time. Hanseatic Publishing House , Hamburg / Berlin / Leipzig 1929, DNB 948663294 .

References and comments

  1. The Polte-Werke had asked for his leave of absence in order to be able to employ him as commercial manager
  2. According to 50 years ago, Polte was founded. Anniversary of the respected Magdeburg machine factory. It started with 23 workers. In: Magdeburgische Zeitung. 6./7. April 1925, 7th supplement / no. 177 (176), quoted in: Martin Nathusius, Die Magdeburger Linie ... , see LitVerz. (P. 103)