Gotvand dam

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Gotvand dam
Tributaries: Karun
Drain: Karun
Major cities nearby: Gotvand, Schushtar
Gotvand Dam (Iran)
Gotvand dam
Coordinates 32 ° 16 '8 "  N , 48 ° 56' 10"  E Coordinates: 32 ° 16 '8 "  N , 48 ° 56' 10"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: approx. 1997-2011
Height of the barrier structure : 178 m
Height of the structure crown: 244  m
Building volume: 26th 600 000  m³
Crown length: 760 m
Crown width: 15 m
Base width: 1 075  m
Power plant output: 1 000  MW
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 234  m
Reservoir length 90 km
Storage space 4th 530 000 000  m³

The Upper Gotvand Dam is a dam on the Karun in Iran , Chuzestan Province . It is located 25 km north of the city of Shushar and 16 km from Gotvand . The project is the last planned dam on the Karun, on which several other dams have been built in the past decades.

Dam and reservoir

The dam is 178 meters high and consists of a rock fill with a clay core. It is the highest debris dam in Iran. The reservoir has a storage space of 4530 million cubic meters, making it the second largest in Iran after that of Karche . It extends to the foot of the Masjed-Soleyman dam . The dam is used for power generation, irrigation, flood protection and tourist purposes.

The river diversion, which was required during construction, went into operation in 1997. The project should be completed in 2009. The construction costs (800 million US dollars) are said to be higher than those of any other construction site in Iran. After the dam was completed, the filling of the reservoir began on July 30, 2011.

Hydroelectric power plant

The associated hydropower plant has 4 turbines of 250 MW each and a total of 1000 MW and generates an annual amount of electricity of around 4500 GWh. The commissioning took place from May to November 2012. The power plant can be expanded to 2000 MW in a later expansion phase. Three 1500 m long tunnels with a diameter of 9.5 m serve to distribute the water.


Archaeological sites were discovered during the construction work. These are fortifications from the Parthian period (248 BC to 224 AD), the Sassanid period (224 to 651 AD) and the Islamic period from 651 AD.

Accident at Gotvand

An older distribution dam on the Karun stands 12 km below the site of the large Gotvand dam, four kilometers above Gotvand. The main structure is a small 27 meter high dam that was built between 1975 and 1977.

At a 22 meter high side dam of this distribution dam, there was a dam break in February 1980 when the earth dam on the left side of the river was flooded and broke because closures were blocked. 200 people died.

See also

Web links


  1. Source: Iran - United States Claims Tribunal reports. Iran - USCTR. Vol. 11, 1988, ISSN  0952-4150 , p. 127.