Tomb of the Martyrs

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The ideal “dolmen with corridor” ( French dolmen à couloir ) here in the tumulus

The Tomb of the Martyrs ( French Le tombeau des Martyrs ; also called Dolmen des Maîtres or Dolmen de Ros et Trévineuc ) is a gangdolmen ( French dolmen à couloir ) north of the hamlet of Ros, about three kilometers north of Nivillac , near the river Vilaine in one Wooded area west of the road to Foleux , in the extreme south-east of the Morbihan department in Brittany in France. The megalithic complex probably dates from around 4500 BC. From the Neolithic. In France, dolmen is the generic term for Neolithic megalithic structures of all kinds (see: French nomenclature ).


The dolmen made of granite blocks , first mentioned in 1867 by MP Geffray, is still partially covered by its cairn . Only three orthostats have survived from the dolmen, delimiting the square chamber of 2.5 × 2.5 m; one of them is almost two feet high. A large slab about four feet thick on the floor of the chamber could be paving or a relocated capstone. The corridor, which opens to the southeast, is about 2.0 m long and is delimited by three stones. The missing stones were likely used as building materials in later periods.

A 1954 study by P.-R. Giot produced fragments of pottery (including Gallo-Roman ware). The dolmen was classified as a Monument historique in 1957 .

A damaged Venus statue , "the good wife of Carriau" (called La bonne femme de Carriau in French ), which has similarities to the Venus of Quinipily, was found nearby by MP Geffray.

To the north, near Béganne, is the “Dolmen La Chambrette”.

See also


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Coordinates: 47 ° 34'0 "  N , 2 ° 16'28.5"  W.