Maubach tomb

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The Maubach tomb on the Ev. Dorfkirchhof Kladow, view of the preserved rear wall with the pedestals in front

The Maubach tomb , to be precise: the preserved rear wall of the Maubach tomb with two pedestals in front of it , is located in the Protestant village cemetery in Kladow .


The Maubach tomb on the Ev. Dorfkirchhof Kladow, signature and date, portrait of a woman on the left

The burial of the merchant Emil Maubach took place on August 3, 1912, as the first occupation and first burial at the Maubach grave. At 35 m², the grave site was one of the more imposing structures in the manageable Kladow cemetery. In addition to the central location on / in the cemetery wall, the design of the rear wall and the two upstream pedestals was particularly striking. For this, the ceramic painter Oswald Bachmann created a three-part tile mural. Bachmann's signature and the year 1913 can be found at the foot of the two portraits of women. Emil Maubach's son, Friedrich Maubach, who died on November 17, 1942, was also buried here. In 1967 the right to use the grave ended when the 25-year rest period expired. In 1968 urn sites were laid on the area in front of the tomb. On the other side of the cemetery wall, around the height of the Maubach tomb, there has been a semi-anonymous urn field since 2013.

The Maubach tomb on the Ev. Kladow village cemetery. Since 2013 there has been a semi-anonymous urn field on the other side of the cemetery wall, roughly at the level of the Maubach tomb.

In March 2014, the Maubach tomb was entered as an architectural monument in the list of monuments of the State of Berlin.

The Maubach tomb in the Berlin cemetery landscape

The design of the Maubach tomb with the three-part tile mural by Oswald Bachmann is unique in the rich Berlin cemetery landscape. So far, no other tomb from the late 19th and early 20th centuries is known that was designed with ceramic painting. It is unclear whether Bachmann created other tombs.

Regarding the historical significance of the Maubach tomb, the Berlin State Monuments Office writes : “The decorative style of the tile mural and the clear assignment to the work of the ceramic painter Oswald Bachmann reveals an important historical connection to the Cadin majolica workshops founded by Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1904 . [...] ".

Own photo (detail) from April 25, 2015, including the “No. 21. Lunette, Christ ”, an illustration from Plate II of the Cadinen catalog from 1907. Published by the Hohenzollern Kunstgewerbehaus, Berlin W, Leipziger Strasse 13. Oswald Bachmann worked as a ceramic painter in Cadinen (today: Kadyny, Poland) from 1905 to 1909. In 1909 he founded his own company "Ostdeutsche Kunstkeramische Werke Oswald Bachmann" in nearby Elbing (today: Elblag, Poland).

And on the artistic substance it says: “Due to the outstanding quality of the artistic execution, the Maubach tomb is of particular importance. [...] ".

Friedrich Maubach in Kladow

September 2013, after 100 years, the weather damage cannot be overlooked on Bachmann's quality ceramics.

The first evidence of a connection between Friedrich Maubach and Kladow is the acquisition of the grave site in the Kladow cemetery and the burial of his father Emil in 1912. From 1913 Friedrich Maubach's Kladow telephone number is recorded in the Berlin address book. In the October 1915 edition of the directory of subscribers to the telephone networks in Berlin and the surrounding area , Friedrich Maubach's entry mentions a “Villa Cladow (Havel)” for the first time. In 1922, Maubach's address in Kladow appeared in the Berlin address book for the first time: "Havelufer / Cladow" (today: Imchenallee).

Land ownership and parceling agreement
Around the square of today's streets Sakrower Kirchweg, Wertheimweg, Imchenallee and Gößweinsteiner Gang, Maubach owned an extensive piece of land. In 1930 he negotiated with the Spandau district to subdivide this area. The sketch enclosed with the contract shows 24 parcels, five of them on the banks of the Havel. Nine sales in the years 1931–1935 have been recorded so far. This parceling can still be seen today in the north-western area of ​​the Quastenhornweg.

The aforementioned area intended for parceling was and is divided by a street, called street A in the sketch mentioned. From 1935 to 1940 this street was referred to in the Berlin address books as Maubachstraße, later as Straße 109 and officially named Quastenhornweg on October 22, 1956. As recently as 1950, several participants were entered in the official telephone directory for Berlin with the address “Kladow, Maubachstrasse”, both privately and commercially. The Austrian actor and playwright Arnolt Bronnen is a prominent local resident .

family members

The following are proven members of the family:

  • Emil Maubach, February 27, 1849 - July 30, 1912, as the father of
  • Friedrich Maubach, September 24, 1877 - November 17, 1942, married to
  • Clara (Klara) Maubach, b. Strehlau, March 24, 1868 - March 12, 1942

The marriage ended in divorce.

  • Johanna Bachmann, b. Strehlau, no life data, sister of Clara Maubach. Johanna Bachmann was married to, but has not yet been documented, but it is obvious due to the same name and address
  • Oswald Bachmann, no dates, ceramic painter, ceramist, painter (Meißen, Berlin, Cadinen, Elbing. And Selb).


Oswald Bachmann lived in Elbing in 1910 as a tenant in Angela Merkel's great-grandfather Emil Drange's house. The house was at Holländer Chaussee 27. Bachmann's factory “Ostdeutsche Kunstkeramische Werke Oswald Bachmann” was at Holländer Chaussee 20.

See also


  • Ellen Mey: Under the sign of the lion, porcelain from an artist's hand, Die Kunstabteilung Lorenz Hutschenreuther, Selb 1918–1945 . German Porcelain Museum, Hohenberg an der Eger 2009, ISBN 978-3-927793-96-5
  • Cadinen, ceramics from the royal majolica workshop (1904–1944) . Malbork 1999, ISBN 83-86206-22-5
  • Friedbert Aspetsberger: "Arnolt Bronnen" biography . Böhlau Verlag, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 1995, ISBN 3-205-98367-X
  • Catalog Cadinen , 1907, published by the Hohenzollern Kunstgewerbehaus, Berlin W, Leipziger Strasse 13. Art Library of the State Museums in Berlin - Prussian Cultural Heritage

Web links

Commons : Grabmal Maubach, Berlin-Kladow  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. This designation is misleading as it refers to a churchyard or church cemetery , a cemetery directly adjacent to or surrounding a Christian church. The cemetery with the Maubach grave is located approx. 200 meters northwest of the village church at Sakrower Landstrasse 11. In the list of cemeteries in Berlin. (PDF) Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection is this cemetery with the name “Ev. Dorfkirchhof Kladow ”and the cemetery code 5125.
  2. ^ Information from the cemetery administration dated January 14, 2014
  3. Church register in the Evangelical Regional Church Archive in Berlin (ELAB), Archive of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg Bln.-Span .: Kladow, signature: 3611, film 4
  4. Letter Friedrich Maubachs "At the parish council to Cladow." dated August 16, 1913
  5. The house Friedrich Maubach lived in until his death, Kladow, Imchenallee 72a, is entered as a monument in the list of monuments of the State of Berlin.
  6. ^ Information from the cemetery administration dated January 14, 2014
  8. Entry in the Berlin State Monument List with further information
  9. Landesdenkmalamt Berlin, brief explanation / 9464 / text explanatory sheet, April 2014
  11. Directory of participants in telephone networks in Berlin and the surrounding area. Edition from October 1915, Central and State Library, Zs 4034: 1915, Oct
  12. Landesarchiv Berlin, A Rep. 038-08, No. 7586
  13. Landesarchiv Berlin, A Rep. 038-08, No. 7586
  14. Quastenhornweg. In: Street name lexicon of the Luisenstädtischer Bildungsverein (near  Kaupert )
  15. Aspetsberger, Figure 171 shows the Bronnen couple in front of the house on Maubachstrasse (today: Quastenhornweg 12), text on page 583
  16. Landesarchiv Berlin, P Rep. 163, No. 36, death book (first book), Berlin-Schöneberg registry office 1942, No. 970
  17. Landesarchiv Berlin, P Rep. 163, No. 36, death book (first book), Berlin – Schöneberg registry office 1942, No. 970
  18. Landesarchiv Berlin, P Rep. 163, No. 36, death book (first book), Berlin-Schöneberg registry office 1942, No. 970
  19. Cadinen, p. 57
  20. Mey, p. 25, p. 40, p. 74, p. 75, p. 200, p. 293
  23. Elbinger Wohnungs-Anzeiger , 1910