Alsleben County

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The county of Alsleben was a territory on the lower Saale around Alsleben in what is now Saxony-Anhalt .


Count Gero von Alsleben was first mentioned for the year 979, when he and his wife Adela founded a canonical convent at the castle and soon afterwards died violently. The immediate imperial county went to his son-in-law Siegfried von Harsefeld at the latest around 994 , in whose family the Count of Stade it remained until Heinrich's death in 1128.

The area then went to the Archbishopric of Magdeburg , which gave the Alsleben rule to the von Krosigk family as a pledge in 1443 , and then in 1479 under inheritance law. In 1747 Prince Leopold Maximilian von Anhalt-Dessau bought the rulership, which remained a fiefdom of the Duchy of Magdeburg .


The territory extended mainly east of the lower Saale around Alsleben to the Fuhne . At times it also included experts .

Counts of Alsleben


  • Gerd Villwock, Haik Thomas Porada (ed.): Fas lower Saale valley. An inventory between Halle and Bernburg. Böhlau, Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2016. p. 146