Grass lion

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The grass lion is a figure that was brought to life by the German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU) for environmental education . Since the beginning of 2009 the Auslandsgesellschaft Deutschland eV has supported the project. Funding continues to run through the DBU.

It was created as a figure of identification for children between the ages of six and twelve. In a child-friendly way, the lion with the green mane is supposed to act as an "environmental ambassador" and convey content on sustainability and environmental protection , such as energy saving , sustainable mobility or healthy eating . "Make yourself strong for your environment!" is his motto. In addition, the grass lion has been addressing more and more children with a migration background since 2009. It promotes intercultural learning and supports language skills.


As the umbrella brand of the DBU, the grass lion is involved in various projects in which the topic of sustainability is to be conveyed to children in an entertaining and exciting way. Various media are used to sensitize the children to environmental issues and to motivate them to become active themselves: Graslöwen TV, Graslöwen radio, Graslöwen school trips, Graslöwen clubs and a Graslöwen musical.

  • Various series and films run under the grass lion logo on the public children's television channel KI.KA.
  • On Graslöwen Radio, the lion experiences exciting environmental adventures together with his friends, the children. The radio play "Die Currywurst-Lie" (The Currywurst Lie), published in 2008, with prominent speakers such as Anke Engelke and Kurt Krömer deals with the topic of "healthy nutrition".
  • Educational material accompanying the television and radio productions is intended to help teachers convey environmental and sustainability issues with the aid of the programs in class.
  • Institutions nationwide offer programs for the Graslöwen Club to offer children contact points who would like to actively support their environment.
  • In cooperation with the German Youth Hostel Association (DJH), a special profile “grass lions class trips” was created. The topic of sustainability should be tangible during these trips and be transferable to the everyday life of the children.

films and series

In connection with the grass lion , the films The Enchanted Otter (2004) and The Hollies (2004) as well as the series The Grass Lions (2002) and The Hydronauts (2003) were made.

Grass lion radio plays

In 2005, a radio play series started in cooperation with the non-commercial children's radio station Radijojo , in which the grass lion experiences many environmental adventures together with the elf Holi and the children Farid and Marlon. Heike Weber and Britta Steffenhagen were responsible for the editorial management of the project , who, in addition to the author Ephraim Broschkowski, were also responsible for the content of the 25 radio play series.

In February 2008, the radio play "The Currywurst Lie" was published by Terzio-Verlag. The authors are Ephraim Broschkowski and Britta Steffenhagen. Anke Engelke and Kurt Krömer can be heard in the radio play on the subject of nutrition.

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