Grata recordatio

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Grata recordatio is an encyclical from Pope John XXIII. and was released on September 29, 1959. In it he describes the rosary as a prayer for the church, mission and international social problems. At the same time, he asks for the forthcoming Second Vatican Council to go well and announces that this coming event will be commemorated with dignity in October.

Rosary month of October

John XIII recalls that of Pope Leo XIII. published encyclicals on the Rosary ( Supremi apostolatus officio , Superiore anno , Octobri mense , Magnae Dei matris , Laetitiae sanctae , Iucunda semper expectatione , Fidentem piumque animum , Augustissimae virginis mariae and Diuturni temporis ) and also confirms the month of October. He asks the faithful to give great dedication to prayer and the rosary for the coming month of October, while at the same time honoring his predecessor and emphasizing the first year of his death.

Continuation of the tradition

He announces that he will not let up in the tradition of his predecessors. In the coming month we should also remember the men who serve in the mission and who would have to endure many obstacles and inconveniences in this assignment. In schools and teaching, the attitude and direction for the practical guidance of life must be conveyed, and false philosophers must be defended against .

Apostolic Letter

On September 29, 1961, John XXIII issued the apostolic letter Il religioso convegno also known as Marialis Rosarii about the rosary as a prayer for peace.

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