Limit point zero

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Grenzpunkt Null was a radio broadcast that was broadcast on DT64 and MDR Sputnik from 1992 to 1998 and has been broadcast as Grenzpunkt Null Reloaded on Reboot.FM since 2010 . Rex Joswig , also singer of the band Herbst in Beijing , is responsible for editing , moderation and design .

History and stylistic features

The origins of the show go back to 1991, when Joswig presented his first “border points” as a guest presenter of the DT-64 nighttime show “Sleep Disorder”.

On June 24, 1992, “Grenzpunkt Null” started as an independent, two-hour weekly program, initially on Fridays at 9:03 pm, and from July 1997 on Sundays. The title of the show is derived from the GDR title of the US road movie Vanishing Point - Vanishing Point San Francisco . In the later years, the program was nicknamed "The Black Hole on the Radio", especially in program announcements.

Joswig combined punk, rock, dub, techno with texts from pop , avant-garde and philosophical literature (including William S. Burroughs , William Blake , Kiev Stingl , Dylan Thomas , Friedrich Nietzsche , Paul Celan , Emily Dickinson ) as well as film clips (including Blade Runner , Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas , Angel Heart ) to radiophonic works that move stylistically beyond conventional radio formats. The focus was on the artistic synthesis of played music, read texts and moderation to create a complete work. Joswig DJ techniques transferred Jamaican sound system on the radio, saying poems and passages rhythmically about the music - similar to the style of a toaster , of the Selector (dub and reggae - DJ ) accompanied songs and announcing or own texts raps . Joswig's texts, prosaic and poetic texts, however, are the written language of white male writers and thus stylistically far from the spoken language of black MCs and toasters.

The postponement of the broadcast slot to 11:03 p.m. from August 1998, combined with a break in the news at midnight, gave an indication of the approaching end; on October 25, 1998 the program was discontinued.

With the program reform in December 2006, MDR Sputnik broadcast "Insomnia", a successor to Grenzpunkt Null without moderation.

After the hiring, Rex Joswig occasionally published other programs on the radio and the Internet.

Joswig has been producing Grenzpunkt Null Reloaded since 2009 . The first four issues were created for the autumn radio , since July 3, 2010 the program has been broadcast on the free Berlin cultural radio Reboot.FM .

With The Hidden Sea Sound System , Joswig brought his radio activity into a musical format with which he makes public appearances. He had other appearances with Kinski in Dub , where he put on dub as a DJ and recited Klaus Kinski's text Jesus Christ Redeemer literally, matching the rhythm .


With his show , Joswig introduced dub , ambient , Asian underground and other electronic music styles into the independent scene of the five new federal states by mixing them with industrial and punk .

Joswig spoke hypnotically and with a sonorous voice to the rhythm of the music, which, in combination with the often psychedelic music, led to an intense and flowing listening experience.

Grenzpunkt Null has cult status with its fans to this day , who create wikis with lists of programs and exchange recordings of programs from the 1990s.

In his role as moderator, Rex Joswig was described as a "living repeating machine".

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of Rex Joswig
  2. Limit point zero at Reboot.FM
  3. Excerpt from Kinski in Dub on Youtube

Web links