Large-leaved ray palm

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Large-leaved ray palm
Licuala grandis3.jpg

Large-leaved ray palm ( Licuala grandis )

Family : Palm family (Arecaceae)
Subfamily : Coryphoideae
Tribe : Corypheae
Sub tribus : Livistoninae
Genre : Licuala ( Licuala )
Type : Large-leaved ray palm
Scientific name
Licuala grandis
H. Wendl.

The licuala grandis ( Licuala grandis ) is a plant of the genus licuala ( Licuala ) in the family of Palm plants (Arecaceae).


The large-leaved ray palm is a small, single-stemmed fan palm . The very thin trunk, encased by the remains of petioles, reaches heights of 2 to 3 meters. The relatively large, dense crown consists of rounded leaves . The leaves are dark green, shiny, undivided, 90 centimeters wide, slightly wider than long and have a barely incised edge. Each segment of the leaves is V-shaped with 2 teeth at the top. The inflorescences are overhanging and up to 5 meters long. On the branches of the three to four thickened side branches there are 1 centimeter large, yellow hermaphrodite flowers . The fruits are stone fruit-like, shiny carmine-red berries. These are located on thick stems and are surrounded by sepals at their base.


The natural range of the large-leaved ray palm is limited to the island of New Britain .


Due to the showy leaves, the species is often planted as an ornamental plant in tropical gardens .


supporting documents

  • Andreas Bärtels: color atlas tropical plants: ornamental and useful plants . Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 1996, ISBN 3-8001-3480-2 .

Web links

Commons : Large-leaved ray palm  - album with pictures, videos and audio files