Big devil's mill

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Big devil's mill

The Große Teufelsmühle in the Harz Mountains is a group of granite rocks on the southwest flank of the Viktorshöhe near Friedrichsbrunn in the Harz district , Saxony-Anhalt . It is designated as a natural monument . The highest point at about 567  m above sea level. NHN located rock group is at around 581  m above sea level. NN .

The rocks from the granite of the Ramberg consist of igneous rock from the time of the Variscan mountain formation in the Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian . It shows the typical weathering of wool sacks (also called mattress weathering ) and is under nature protection .

Due to its shape, a legend arose around the cliff that connects it with the remains of a mill owned by the devil .

The Große Teufelsmühle is included as No. 189 in the system of stamping points of the Harz hiking nobility. The Kleine Teufelsmühle ( ; at approx. 577  m above sea level ) is located about  150 m to the northeast .

Web links

Commons : Große Teufelsmühle  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Saxony-Anhalt viewer of the State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation ( notes )
  2. a b Harzer Wanderadel: stamp point 189 / Große Teufelsmühle , on

Coordinates: 51 ° 41 ′ 5.4 "  N , 11 ° 4 ′ 46.3"  E