Great thistle weevil

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Great thistle weevil
2019 05 13 Larinus sturnus.jpg

Great thistle weevil ( Larinus sturnus )

Family : Weevil (Curculionidae)
Subfamily : Lixinae
Tribe : Lixini
Genre : Larinus
Subgenus : Phyllonomeus
Type : Great thistle weevil
Scientific name
Larinus sturnus
( Schaller , 1783)
2019 05 13 Larinus sturnus2.jpg

The great thistle weevil ( Larinus sturnus ) is a beetle from the family of the weevils (Curculionidae).


The 8 to 12 millimeter long beetles are usually larger than the similar species Larinus beckeri , Larinus jaceae , Larinus planus and Larinus turbinatus . The densely dotted trunk has a fine, shiny keel in the middle of the base. The pronotum has a deep Basaleindruck. The sides of the pronotum are less rounded towards the front. The bright mottled elytra are narrowed toward the tip faster than L. jaceae and L. beckeri . The proboscis of the males is about as long as the pronotum, whereas in the females it is considerably longer.


The species is widespread in Europe. It is only missing in the British Isles and in northern Scandinavia . The species is also represented in the Mediterranean region including North Africa, the Near and Middle East (Iran) and Central Asia (Turkestan). In Central Europe the species is common south of the Main line, but rarely on the northern edge of the low mountain range.

Way of life

The beetles are usually seen from May to August. The larvae develop in the flower heads of various composites (Asteraceaea), especially in thistles ( Cirsium ). Other host plants are burdock ( Arctium ), ring thistles ( Carduus ) and knapweeds ( Centaurea ) as well as the milk thistle ( Silybum marianum ). The pupation takes place in the floral axis instead.

The parasitic wasp Exeristes roborator is a parasitoid of Larinus sturnus .


The species was scientifically described in 1873 by Johann Gottlieb Schaller as Curculio sturnus Schaller , 1783. In addition to this designation, the following synonyms can be found in the literature :

  • Larinus sturnus ( Schaller , 1783)
  • Larinus conspersus Boheman , 1843
  • Larinus fringilla Gyllenhal , 1827
  • Larinus hispanicus Petri , 1907 nec Motschulsky , 1849
  • Larinus lucidirostris Penecke , 1936
  • Larinus proboscideus Petri , 1907
  • Larinus stellaris Gyllenhal , 1835
  • Larinus striatopunctatus Petri , 1907

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Arved Lompe: Larinus_me determination table . Retrieved January 5, 2020.
  2. a b c Larinus sturnus in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved January 5, 2020
  3. a b c Larinus sturnus . Retrieved January 5, 2020.
  4. a b Larinus sturnus . Retrieved January 5, 2020.

Web links

Commons : Larinus sturnus  - collection of images, videos and audio files