Large stone grave devil's oven

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Devil's oven from the northeast
Drawing of the large stone grave devil's oven around 1865

The "Teufelsbackofen" large stone grave belongs to the southern group in the Everstorfer Forest, east of Grevesmühlen in the north-west Mecklenburg district in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . The extended dolmen with the Sprockhoff no. 312 was created between 3500 and 2800 BC. BC as a megalithic system of the funnel beaker culture (TBK). Neolithic monuments are an expression of the culture and ideology of Neolithic societies. Their origin and function are considered to be the hallmarks of social development.

There are two groups of large stone graves in the Everstorfer Forest . The southern group, with five systems, is located at the junction of the B105 to Quaal. One of the three southern parts of this group is the well-preserved devil's oven.


The devil's oven is located within the enclosure of a small round hill, of which 14 - according to Hollnagels 13 - of the 24 curbs that were once preserved. It is an east-west oriented dolmen with seven bearing stones and two cap stones. Two on three of the sides and one half-stone on the access side. The chamber is 2.5 m long, 1.8 m wide and 1.4 m high. The capstone on the eastern side, the access side, has numerous bowls that are up to 6 cm in diameter and 3 cm deep and are also located on the inside. The second capstone shows only a few of these Bronze Age depressions.

The facility was excavated and reconstructed by Ewald Schuldt in 1966 . The relocated capstone was put back on. The stones of the enclosure were more or less relocated, here the circular arrangement was restored. The scanty finds consisted of human bones, a cross cutter and several fragments of vessels from the individual grave culture .

The passage grave of Naschendorf is 100 m away .

See also


  • Adolf Hollnagel : The dolmen called "Teufelsbackofen" in the Everstorf Forest, Grevesmühlen district. In: Ground monument maintenance in Mecklenburg. Yearbook 1968. 1970, pp. 89-99.
  • Ewald Schuldt : 4000 year old graves in the Everstorfer Forest. Museum of Prehistory and Early History, Schwerin 1968.
  • Ewald Schuldt: The Mecklenburg megalithic graves. German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1972.
  • Ernst Sprockhoff : Atlas of the megalithic tombs of Germany. Part 2: Mecklenburg - Brandenburg - Pomerania. Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn 1967, p. 4.

Individual evidence

  1. J. Müller In: Varia neolithica VI 2009 p. 15

Web links

Commons : Großsteingrab Everstorf Süd 2  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 53 ° 51 '35 "  N , 11 ° 17' 8.2"  E