Gromshin Heights

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Gromshin Heights
Highest peak Mount Mogensen ( 2790  m )
location Ellsworthland , West Antarctica
part of Sentinel Range , Ellsworth Mountains
Gromshin Heights (Antarctica)
Gromshin Heights
Coordinates 77 ° 38 ′  S , 85 ° 46 ′  W Coordinates: 77 ° 38 ′  S , 85 ° 46 ′  W

The Gomshin Heights (English; Bulgarian Громшински възвишения Gromschinski waswischenija ) are a north-south orientation 35 km long, 20 km wide and in Mount Mogensen up to 2790  m high mountains in the west Antarctic Ellsworthland . On the east side of the northern Sentinel Range in the Ellsworth Mountains , it looms west of the Rutford Ice Stream and north and east of the Newcomer Glacier . The center of the U-shaped mountain range is drained by the Witscha Glacier . Connections exist via the Skamni Saddle to the northwest to Mount Wyatt Earp and to the north to Mount Weems via the Kipra Gap .

American scientists mapped the mountain range in 1961. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2014 after the town of Gromschin in northwestern Bulgaria .

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