Groupe International d'Architecture Prospective

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Groupe International d'Architecture Prospective (GIAP) is an international group of architects and urbanists founded in 1965.

Founding phase in 1965

The founding members Ionel Schein , Yona Friedman , Paul Maymont, Georges Patrix, Michel Ragon, Nicolas Schöffer and later Walter Jonas met in Paris in March 1965 to found an international group for future-oriented architecture. The intention was to bring together all active people who were interested in future concepts of architecture, town planning and design.

The first statutes defined the subject of the association as follows:

“Réunir les chercheurs, dans le domaine de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme. Créer un lien entre ceux-ci, à une échelle internationale. Organizer of the expositions de leurs oeuvres et toute manifestation susceptible de rendre leurs travaux publics. " ("Researchers in the fields of architecture and urban planning gather to create a link between current and future works of an international scale, as well as to organize and publish exhibitions of their works and conferences.")

The founding members decided under the chairmanship of the first President Michel Ragon to gain further active members. A first list was drawn up in March 1965 and decided on April 22, 1965. The following leading contemporary architects and artists should be contacted: André Biro and Jean-Jacques Fernier (Biro et Fernier), Arthur Quarmby, Claude Parent , Pascal Häusermann, Deryng, Grillo, Jacques Polieri, Abraham Moles , Chenu, Edouard Utudjian, du Château , Szekely, Lucien Hervé , Jacques Bardet, James Guitet, Penalba, Victor Vasarely , Georges Charbonnier (ORTF), Jean-Louis Chanéac, JC Bernard, François Stahly , Marino Di Teana , Manfredi Nicoletti , Eckhard Schultze-Fielitz, Werner Ruhnau, Guy Rottier , Bossard, Robert Risler, Carl Nesjar, Groupe Algorithmique, Len Lye , Edouard Albert, Gaillard, Pierre Restany, Guy Habasque, Frei Otto , Paolo Soleri , Kisho Kurokawa , Justus Dahinden , Gyula Košice, Emmerich, Marta Pan , William Katavolos , Michel Andrault and Pierre Parat (Andrault et Parat), Bourbonnais, Gomis, Puccinelli. And well-known young artists such as Stahly, Gilioli, Szekely, di Teana, Guitet, Penalba, Pan, Kosice, Lucien Hervé, Gaillard and Restany. Futurologists should also be approached.

The GIAP Presidium considered initiating national GIAP cells in individual countries, such as by Kishō Kurokawa in Japan, Walter Jonas and Pascal Häusermann in Switzerland, Arthur Quarmby in the United Kingdom, Eckhard Schulze-Fielitz , Werner Ruhnau and Frei Otto in Germany etc.

Louis Armand , Jean Fourastié , André Parinaud , Le Corbusier , Jacques Ménétrier , Robert Le Ricolais , Richard Buckminster Fuller , Jean Prouvé , Delouvrier, Claudius-Petit, Sauvy, Konrad Wachsmann , Zygmunt Stanisław Makowski , Louis Pauwells ( Vril Society ) were tried to win as a sponsor.

The founders decided to keep the name of the GIAP secret before publishing their manifesto and holding a press conference.

Le Manifeste (The Manifesto) 1965

L'explosion demographique,
l'accélération spectaculaire des progrès techniques et scientifiques,
l'augmentation constante du niveau de vie,
la socialisation du temps, de l'espace et de l'art,
l'importance croissante des loisirs,
l'importance des facteurs temps et vitesse dans les notions de communications,
font éclater les structures traditionnelles de la société.
Nos villes, notre territoire ne sont plus adaptés à ces transformations.
Il devient urgent de prévoir et d'organiser l'avenir au lieu de le subir.
Le GIAP a pour but de rassembler tous ceux, techniciens, artistes, sociologues et spécialistes divers qui recherchent des solutions urbanistiques et architecturales nouvelles.
Le GIAP veut être un lien entre les chercheurs de tous les pays, même si leurs thèses sont parfois opposées. Le GIAP n'a donc pour l'instant d'autre doctrine que la prospective architecturale.
CONTRE une architecture rétrospective.
POUR une architecture prospective.
Signé à Paris, en may 1965 by Yona Friedman, Walter Jonas, Paul Maymont, Georges Patrix, Michel Ragon, Ionel Schein, Nicolas Schöffer.


From 1965 to 1967 over 20 conferences and five major exhibitions on current topics in architecture and urban planning were held.

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