Group 508 - Society for the Promotion of New Art

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The group 508 - society for the promotion of new art eV is established in 1951 Cultural Association in Villach . Since its founding, it has devoted itself to varying degrees to the fine arts, literature and film. Group 508 currently operates the film studio in the Villach city cinema.


The 508 group was founded on November 20, 1951 in the Stiegenbräu inn, now the Rainer pastry shop, and entered in the register of associations on November 24. The club's name is derived from the 508 meters above sea level on which the first floor of Café Rainer is located.

The first chairman of the group was the then Vice Mayor and President of the Landtag Jakob Sereinigg , the first managing director of the painter Franz Schneeweiß . In this early phase, the association concentrated on the visual arts and architecture and found its first thrust with art in buildings .

At the instigation of Group 508, artists such as Hans Bischoffshausen , Hans Piccottini , Cornelius Kolig and Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel came to exhibitions in Villach.

The architect, painter, author and graphic artist Hans Leb drove the publishing work of Group 508. This concentrated on poetry as well as on writings from the discourse on new architecture, painting and sculpture.

The literary competition of Group 508, initiated and promoted by Fred Dickermann , promoted Carinthian up-and-coming authors. Accompanying the competition, anthologies with the best texts were published by self-published and Aarachne-Verlag Vienna.

On the initiative of Peter Resch, art house cinema was integrated into the association's work from the second half of the 1970s . The venue was first the Chamber of Commerce in Villach, later the Paracelsussaal in Villach town hall.

Organizationally, Group 508 has been closely related to city politics since it was founded. In addition to the founding member Jakob Sereinig, club chairmen were among others the head of the Villach building cooperative Heimat Konrad Manessinger and mayor Günther Albel . Currently, Ines Wutti is the local councilor and district chairwoman of Group 508.

Film studio Villach

When the city of Villach ceased operation of the city cinema in 1993, Lichtspieltheater Betriebs GmbH , a subsidiary of Constantin Film-Holding GmbH, took over and modernized the cinema. As part of this, Group 508 agreed with the new operators to play arthouse films in room 2 twice a week. Since this concept enjoyed great popularity, they soon moved to room 3 with space for 98 visitors and increased the frequency of games. Thus, the film studio established as an independent and daily cinema with high cinematic claim. From 1994 to 2016 Elisabeth Grebenicek was the managing director of the film studio and the 508 group. Fritz Hock has held these positions since 2016.

The film studio primarily shows art house films and author's cinema and, along with the Volkskino and the Wulfeniakino (both in Klagenfurt ), is one of the last three arthouse cinemas in Carinthia . In addition to large cinema productions, the film studio is increasingly showing regional and underfunded productions in order to provide a stage for independent filmmaking in Carinthia.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Central Register of Associations of the BMI. Accessed June 4, 2020 (ZVR number: 451352878).
  2. Imprint Filmstudio Villach. In: Film studio in the city cinema Villach. Retrieved on June 4, 2020 (German).
  3. Lichtspieltheater - Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, 7th district / new building, Vienna. Retrieved June 4, 2020 .