Gunnar de Frumerie

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Gunnar de Frumerie (around 1935)

Per Gunnar Fredrik de Frumerie (born July 20, 1908 in Nacka , † September 9, 1987 in Täby ) was a Swedish pianist and composer .


Gunnar de Frumerie studied at the Conservatory of Stockholm with Ernst Henrik Ellberg and Lennart Arvid Lundberg , then in Vienna with Emil von Sauer and finally at the Conservatoire de Paris with Alfred Cortot . Since 1945 he has been teaching piano at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm .

He composed an opera ( Singoalla , 1940), a ballet ( Johannesnatten , 1948), a melodrama , two piano concertos , a double concerto for two pianos, a violin and a trumpet concerto, a horn concerto, Op. 70, a cello concerto op. 81 (as op. 82 also arranged for trombone), two flute concerts, chamber music works, piano pieces, choirs and songs . His best-known work is the neoclassical Pastoral Suite for flute, harp and string orchestra op.13.

Gunnar de Frumerie was the brother of the cellist Carin de Frumerie-Luthander .


  • Wilibald Gurlitt , Carl Dahlhaus (ed.): Riemann Music Lexicon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Frumerie, Per Gunnar Fredrik de. 12th completely revised edition. 1. Personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1959, p. 559 (first edition: 1882).
  • Wilibald Gurlitt, Carl Dahlhaus (ed.): Riemann Music Lexicon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Frumerie, Per Gunnar Fredrik de. 12th completely revised edition. 4. Personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1972, p. 385 (first edition: 1882).
  • Nicolas Slonimsky : Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians . Frumerie, (Per) Gunnar (Fredrik) de. 7th edition. Oxford University Press, London, New York, Toronto 1984, ISBN 0-19-311335-X , pp. 774 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Haglund:  Frumerie, Gunnar de. In: Grove Music Online (English; subscription required).