Gustaaf van de Wall Perné

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Gustaaf Frederik van de Wall Perné (born May 18, 1877 in Apeldoorn , † December 27, 1911 in Amsterdam ) was a Dutch painter, illustrator, book designer and writer.

He was a pupil of Wilhelmus Johannes Mali (1855-1922) in Apeldoorn, attended from 1895 to 1898 the Rijksnormaalschool voor Teekenonderwijzers (State normal school for drawing teachers) in Amsterdam with Wilhelmus Bernardus Gerardus Molkenboer (1844-1915). He married the artist Eugenie van Vooren (1873–1958).

He began his artistic activity from 1898 to 1899 in Agathe Wegerif's studio in Apeldoorn, where he designed patterns for batik fabrics . Chris Lebeau and Johan Thorn Prikker also worked in the same studio .

From 1899 he finally settled in Amsterdam. In the same year he worked as an illustrator and cover designer at the publishing house JH de Bussy & Co. in Amsterdam, where he worked until 1904.

In 1904 Van de Wall Perné left the De Bussy publishing house to work as a costume and drawing teacher at the Toneelschool in Amsterdam. His interest in clothing was confirmed by the Vereeniging voor Verbetering van Vrouwenkleeding (Association for the Improvement of Women's Clothing), a reform movement that looked at clothing for women where they could feel free and healthy.

He became a member of the Amsterdam guild " Sint Lucas ", was its archivist from 1906 to 1909 and its vice-chairman from 1909 to 1911. From 1902 he was also a member of " Arti et Amicitiae ". In 1901 Gustaaf van de Wall Perné took part for the first time in an exhibition of the Sint Lucas artists' association. From 1901 to 1911 his work was featured at every annual Sint Lucas exhibition.

Van de Wall Perné died at the age of 34 as a result of lead poisoning.


Web links

Commons : Gustaaf van de Wall Perné  - Collection of images, videos and audio files