Hut pond (Lerbach)

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Hut pond
The hut pond in Lerbach
The hut pond in Lerbach
Location: Europe , Germany , Lower Saxony , Göttingen district , Osterode am Harz , Lerbach
Tributaries: Lerbach
Drain: Lerbach
Hut pond (Osterode am Harz)
Hut pond
Coordinates 51 ° 45 ′ 1 ″  N , 10 ° 17 ′ 22 ″  E Coordinates: 51 ° 45 ′ 1 ″  N , 10 ° 17 ′ 22 ″  E
Data on the structure
Lock type: Erdwall and Schütz
Construction time: 1788
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 0.5 ha
Reservoir length 84 m
Reservoir width 48 m

Specially protected biotope

Lerbach hut pond 3.jpg
Natural biotope at the inlet
Lerbach in Lerbach.jpg
Drainage of the pond

The Hüttenteich is an artificially created lake in Osterode am Harz in the district of Lerbach in the district of Göttingen in Lower Saxony , Germany .


The name goes back to the ironworks located in Lerbach , for which the pond was created as an energy source by damming the Lerbach up until 1788 . The water was fed to the ironworks by a harrow system via the Hüttengraben. Here, the water power was conducted via a large water wheel that drove the blast furnace fan. Just a few years after the construction of the dam, it had to be repaired several times due to construction defects on the pond dam, the outflow , the harrow system and the hut ditch . In the 1990s , the pond was reduced in size by about half by backfilling. A children's playground was created on the meadow that was created.


Today's owner is the city of Osterode am Harz, which leases the pond. The tenant is also responsible for maintaining the area around the pond.


Protection status

Due to its diverse flora and fauna, the hut pond is a particularly protected biotope according to Lower Saxony's nature conservation law.

See also

Web links

Commons : Hüttenteich Lerbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lerbacher Heimatblatt, issue no. 27, April 2007, article "The Lerbacher Hüttenteich - Its functions, history and stories around it" by Helmut Grüneberg
  2. ^ Documents from the mountain archive of the Lower Saxony State Archive in Clausthal-Zellerfeld
  3. - Public announcement of the city of Osterode am Harz. April 14, 2011, accessed August 11, 2011 .