HD Seibt

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Once upon a time, 2012

HD Seibt (actually Hans-Dieter Seibt ; born July 23, 1956 in Gifhorn , Lower Saxony ) is a German painter and visual artist .


HD Seibt studied from 1982 to 1987 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Braunschweig free art at Jobst Meyer and HP Zimmer . In 1986 his works were shown for the first time in a solo exhibition at the Kunsthaus Mettmann . HD Seibt has been working as a freelance artist in Cologne since 1987 . After several years abroad (including in Denmark / Copenhagen and Ireland / Cahier) Seibt returned to Germany (Minden / North Rhine-Westphalia) in 2000. HD Seibt has lived and worked in Berlin since 2006.


HD Seibt's first painterly works are small-format pictures, almost black or in shades of black, geometric shapes, shadowy, fleeting figurations, overall structures and symbolic abbreviations. Proximity to abstract expressionism ( Jackson Pollock , Mark Rothko , Robert Motherwell , Emil Schumacher , Wols ), which however was perceived as a dead end. Later, through the occupation with the painting Willem de Kooning , the drawings by Joseph Beuys , the expressive world of Edward Kienholz and above all the work of the artist group CoBrA , the figure comes to the fore in the works of HD Seibt, colors and shapes are understood as symbols . Several sculptural works are created. Through the study of Jean Dubuffet and Art Brut and the intensive examination of children's drawings, what HD Seibt describes in his own words as “psychological realism” emerged. It is about the representation of inner sensitivities and emotional ties or their respective negation, topics are loneliness, injury, sexuality, losses, ties etc. The figures are deliberately childlike, reduced and sparingly created, the interaction of colors and shapes / figures results in him The result is perceived situations that elude a clear linguistic interpretation.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1986: Solo exhibition at Kunsthaus Mettmann, Mettmann
  • 2000/2001: Participation in exhibitions at Kunstbygning Samsø
  • 2002: Galerie Tiefensee, Rinteln
  • 2004: Exhibition participation Open Atelier, Minna's House and 2020visions , Copenhagen, Das kleine Format , Galerie Incontro, Eitorf
  • 2005 participation in exhibition 2020visions , Copenhagen
  • 2008: Solo exhibition at the gallery bauchhund salonlabor, Berlin
  • 2010 Exhibition participation in Neuköllner Kunstsalon , Berlin
  • 2011 Participation in an exhibition at the gallery bauchhund salonlabor, Berlin
  • 2012 Exhibition participation in the gallery bauchhund salonlabor Berlin
  • 2015 participation in the exhibition artgaragen, Berlin
  • 2016 Participation in the exhibition 'DadA in Berlin', ACUD Theater, Berlin
  • 2017 '2 Positions', Petrov Ahner & HD Seibt, Hochparterre Berlin / StudioSalon, Berlin
  • 2018 Participation in the exhibition 'The Concrete and Its Intuitive Shadow', Garage: [formerly Neuköllner artgaragen ], Berlin

Picture gallery

Web links

Commons : Works by HD Seibt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files