HMS Mastiff (1797)

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HMS Mastiff p1
Ship data
flag United KingdomUnited Kingdom (Naval War Flag) United Kingdom
Ship type brig
Shipyard Leith Shipyard, Leith
Launch March 1797
Whereabouts sunk on January 5, 1800
Ship dimensions and crew
21.90 m ( Lüa )
width 7.00 m
displacement 136 tn.l.
crew about 45 men
Rigging and rigging
Rigging brig

HMS Mastiff was a British 12 gun brig . The ship was launched in March 1797 from the stack and was found in May 1797 in service.

On January 5, 1800 on the way from Yarmouth to Leith , the Mastiff ran into a sandbank in heavy fog and sank. Courageous fishermen came in their boats and rescued the captain , Lieutenant James Watson, and most of his 45-strong crew ; eight sailors died. The fishermen were honored for their brave efforts.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Gentleman's Magazine (London, England), Volume 87, April 1800, p. 312 ( online )