HMS Nubian (F36)

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TribalDD HMS Nubian.jpg
Ship data
flag United KingdomUnited Kingdom (Naval War Flag) United Kingdom
Ship type destroyer
class Tribal class
Shipyard John I. Thornycroft
Woolston near Southampton
Order March 10, 1936
Keel laying August 10, 1936
baptism December 6, 1938
Launch December 21, 1937
Whereabouts scrapped on June 25, 1949
Ship dimensions and crew
114.9 m ( Lüa )
108.4 m ( Lpp )
width 11.12 m
Draft Max. 2.75 m
displacement Standard : 1,854 ts
maximum: 2,519 ts
crew 190-217 men
Machine system
machine 3 Admiralty three drum boilers
2 Parsons - geared turbines
44,000 PS (32,362 kW)
36 kn (67 km / h)
propeller 2


HMS Nubian (F36 / L36 / G36) was a (second) Tribal class destroyer of the British Royal Navy . It was the second ship to be named HMS Nubian .


The ship was laid on August 10, 1936 at John I. Thornycroft & Co. (Woolston, Hampshire ) and launched on December 21, 1937. The takeover by the Navy, originally planned for October 1938, was delayed due to planned stress tests, which were ultimately canceled and so it was put into service on December 6, 1938.

The Nubian was then assigned to the 1st Destroyer Flotilla of the Mediterranean Fleet and moved to Gibraltar, where it arrived on January 29, 1939. In the following period, she completed training drives and port visits until she was moved to Alexandria in August. From there she monitored trade routes in the eastern Mediterranean in search of contraband intended for Germany .

In October she returned to Portsmouth for machinery repairs , from where she was towed to the builders' yard in Southampton on the 20th of the month for new turbine blades. After the repair work was completed, she was placed under the Home Fleet at the beginning of December and took on various protection and monitoring tasks in the North Sea and the North Atlantic. She spent most of January 1940 in the repair yard after she collided with a merchant ship near Greenock on January 7th . On the 24th she resumed her service and was used together with the tribal destroyers Cossack , Sikh and Zulu to search for the German tanker Altmark , which had British prisoners of war on board. The Altmark incident triggered in the course of this action was the cause of the German occupation of Norway .

On May 16, 1940, the Nubian left Devonport with a course for Alexandria to take over surveillance tasks in the eastern Mediterranean as part of the 14th destroyer flotilla. On June 21, she took over the backing of the British and French forces with other ships during the bombardment of the coastal fortifications at Bardia .


The Nubian received thirteen awards for taking part in combat , making it one of the most highly decorated ships in the Royal Navy. It was only surpassed by the HMS Warspite .


  • JJ Colledge, Ben Warlow: Ships of the Royal Navy. The complete record of all fighting ships of the Royal Navy. (Rev. ed.). Catham, London 1969/2006, ISBN 978-1-86176-281-8 . OCLC 67375475.
  • GG Connell: Mediterranean Maelstrom. HMS Jervis and the 14th Flotilla. 1987, ISBN 0-7183-0643-0 .
  • Conways: All the Worlds Fighting Ships 1922-1946. 1980, ISBN 0-85177-146-7 .

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