Porto Santo port

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Porto Santo port
owner Regional government of the Autonomous Region of Madeira
operator APRAM Administração dos Portos da Região Autónoma da Madeira
start of building 1978
opening 1984
Port type seaport
Total area of ​​the port 69,000 m²
Piers / quays 2
Passengers 339.673
Goods handled Containers , general cargo , bulk cargo , vehicles
Throughput 25,506 (2017)
Container (TEU) 1,624 (2017)
website www.apram.pt
Geographic information
place Porto Santo
Autonomous Region Madeira
Country Portugal
Porto Santo port
Porto Santo port
Coordinates 33 ° 3 ′ 31 ″  N , 16 ° 18 ′ 45 ″  W Coordinates: 33 ° 3 ′ 31 ″  N , 16 ° 18 ′ 45 ″  W
Porto Santo Port (Madeira)
Porto Santo port
Location Porto Santo port

The port of Porto Santo is the seaport of the island of the same name, Porto Santo, in the Madeira archipelago . Freight and passenger traffic, especially with the neighboring island of Madeira, is handled via the port . A marina is integrated.


Until the 20th century the ships anchored in the roadstead in front of the island, in 1929 a 102 meter long pier was built directly at the main town of Vila Baleira , through which part of the passenger and freight traffic was handled and which is now used as part of the promenade. The current port is two kilometers east of Vila Baleira: construction began in 1978, was completed in 1984 and opened in the same year. Since then, the port's equipment has been continuously expanded and adapted to changing needs. Among other things, a roll-on-roll-off ramp was installed in 1999/2000 and the quay was extended by 50 meters in 2000.

In addition to Porto Santo Airport , the port takes on the majority of the passenger and goods traffic for the approximately 5000 residents and supplies the tourists and day trippers from Madeira to the island. The main user is the ferry of the Porto Santo Line , which runs almost daily between Funchal and Porto Santo. In terms of the number of ships handled, the port of Porto Santo is the second largest port in the Autonomous Region of Madeira after the port of Funchal .

Capacities and equipment

The port has a western pier and a combined eastern and southern pier. The southern pier is reserved for ferries and passenger ships as well as cargo ships. It is 290 meters long and suitable for ships with a length of up to 150 meters and a draft of up to 7.0 meters. The roll-on-roll-off ramp, which is mainly used by the ferry from Funchal, is located on it. The eastern pier is designed for bulk carriers and is also known as the "cement pier". It is 120 meters long and 6.0 meters deep. At the western pier, the marina is located within the harbor basin.

The port basin covers an area of ​​233,000 square meters and has an entrance width of 150 meters. The usable area in the port area has an area of ​​69,000 square meters - including the parking and storage areas for containers, general cargo, buildings as well as parking areas for vehicles and boats. The small port also has repair facilities for the boats. If a tug is required in the port , it will be requested from Funchal. In addition, the port has a mobile crane with a load capacity of 64 tons and the usual forklifts and company vehicles.

Ship movements and handling volumes

According to the figures presented by the port operator APRAM, the usage figures of the ports in the Madeira archipelago have remained relatively constant over the years. According to the figures available for 2017 on ship movements in Madeira's ports, a total of 659 ships and 397 yachts docked in Funchal, 368 ships and 784 yachts in Porto Santo and 231 ships and no yachts in Caniçal . The total number is to be divided into passenger ships, cargo ships, marine vehicles and other ships as well as yachts:

Funchal Porto Santo Caniçal
Passenger ships 596 312 1
Cargo ships 18th 47 225
Marine vehicles 21st 9 1
Others 10 0 4th
Yachts 397 784 0
total 1056 1152 231

While the port of Funchal handles passenger traffic and the port Caniçal handles freight traffic on the main island of Madeira, both traffic are handled in the port of Porto Santo. These are usually first routed via Madeira before they are transported to Porto Santo for onward transport. The yachts are excluded from this.

The passenger numbers for Funchal and Porto Santo for the reference year 2017 show 539,192 passengers on cruise ships and a further 338,217 passengers in regional traffic between Madeira and Porto Santo, a total of 877,469 passengers. For Porto Santo, on the other hand, there are 1,396 passengers on cruise ships and 338,217 passengers in regional traffic, a total of 339,673 passengers.

The ports handled different amounts of freight in 2017: 893 tons were imported into Funchal, 2,822 tons exported - a total of 3,715 tons. In Porto Santo the import amounted to 22,089 tons, the export 3,417 tons - altogether 25,506 tons and in Caniçal the import amounted to 726,818 tons and the export 274,961 tons - altogether 1,001,779 tons.


For sailing boats and yachts from Europe, Porto Santo is the first stopover after several days on the open sea. The north-western area of ​​the harbor is reserved for these boats: the marina consists of floating pontoons and offers 139 berths for boats 6 to 30 meters in length and a draft of up to 3.5 meters. In addition to the usual infrastructure and services, the port also has a small boatyard.


  • Administração dos Portos da Região Autónoma da Madeira (APRAM): Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2009 (Sustainability Report 2009). Madeira 2010. Online version on operator's website (Portuguese)

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