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Haiwei ( Chinese  海尾鎮  /  海尾镇 , Pinyin Hǎiwěi Zhen ) is a predominantly of Han Chinese inhabited large community of autonomous circuit Chang Jiang of Li on the west coast of the Chinese island province Hainan . Haiwei has an area of ​​202.6 km² and at the end of 2017 had around 29,200 inhabitants. The majority of the population of the municipality lives from agriculture - Haiwei owns 2,665 hectares of arable land - and fisheries. There is also the Changjiang nuclear power plant in the administrative village of Sanlian , which is operated by Hainaner Kernkraft GmbH (海南 核电 有限公司).


Like the entire area of ​​Changjiang County, the area of ​​today's Haiwei came under China's conquest of Hainan in 110 BC. The commandant's office Dan'er (儋 耳 郡), today's Danzhou . However, the area initially remained sparsely populated. It was not until the Song Dynasty (960–1279) that a small market emerged there, the so-called "Alte Markt Seeschwanz" (海 尾 老 市, Pinyin Hǎiwěi Lǎo Shì ), an analogy to Haitou (海 头, "Seekopf") further north in Danzhou, which got its name from a coral reef that looks like a human head that juts out of the sea at low tide.

In the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), more and more traders and fishermen from Qiongzhong , Danzhou and Lingao came to Haiwei, which gradually developed into a small town. At the beginning of the Republic of China (1912–1949) , Haiwei was officially appointed a large parish. After the conquest of Hainan by the People's Liberation Army in 1950, Haiwei was initially assigned as the Changjiang District . In 1957 it was raised to an independent municipality . In 1958, with the big leap forward , the community was transformed into the "People's Commune Haiwei" (海 尾 人民公社), which was dissolved again in 1983 as part of the reform and opening policy . Haiwei has been a large community again since 1987.

Administrative structure

Haiwei is made up of three communities and 12 administrative villages. These are:

Haiwei community (海 尾 社区), seat of government of the large community;
Shayutang community (沙 渔塘 社区);
Residential community Xingang (新港 社区);
Baisha village (白沙 村);
Changshan Village (长 山村);
Da'an village (大安 村);
Daxian village (打 显 村);
Gaoshitang Village (高 石 塘村);
Hainong Village (海 农村);
Jindong Village (进 董 村);
Nanluo Village (南罗 村);
Sanlian village (三联 村);
Shadi village (沙地 村);
Wuda village (五大 村);
Wulian village (五 联 村).

The Hainaner Kernkraft GmbH settlement has its own residents' committee (海南 核电 有限公司 居委会) but is not an independent community of residents (社区).

Transport links

The Haiwei community, like the Changjiang nuclear power plant, is connected to the S311 state road and the Hainan ring road via the X701 county road . The Haiwei Fishing Port (海 尾 港) is one of the five largest ports in Hainan.

Individual evidence

  1. 国家 统计局 农村 社会经济 调查 司: 中国 县域 统计 年鉴 —2018 (乡镇 卷) . 中国 统计 出版社, 北京 2019, p. 424.
  2. 海南 核电 有限公司. In: October 31, 2018, accessed June 18, 2020 (Chinese).
  3. 黄安雄: 海 头 海 尾 & 水头 水 尾. In: January 13, 2008, accessed June 19, 2020 (Chinese).
  4. 绿水 悠悠: 海南 省 昌江 县 海 尾 镇. In: Retrieved June 19, 2020 (Chinese).
  5. 2019 年 统计 用 区划 代码 和 城乡 划分 代码 : 海 尾 镇. In: Retrieved June 23, 2020 (Chinese).
  6. 邓海宁: 在 “海 的 故乡”, 玩转 端午 小 长假. In: July 3, 2017, accessed June 23, 2020 (Chinese).

Coordinates: 19 ° 26 '  N , 108 ° 49'  E