Halothamnus iliensis

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Halothamnus iliensis
Herbarium evidence of Halothamnus iliensis

Herbarium evidence of Halothamnus iliensis

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Foxtail family (Amaranthaceae)
Subfamily : Salsoloideae
Tribe : Salsoleae
Genre : Halothamnus
Type : Halothamnus iliensis
Scientific name
Halothamnus iliensis
( Lipsky ) Botsch.

Halothamnus iliensis is a species of the genus Halothamnus inthe foxtail family (Amaranthaceae). It thrives in semi-deserts in Central Asia .


Vegetative characteristics

Halothamnus iliensis is an annual plant with blue-green, lightly striped branches. The alternate, semi-stemmed leaves are linear with a length of usually up to 30, rarely 50 mm.

Generative characteristics

The flowers are 3.8 to 4.6 mm long, shorter than their bracts and bracts . Their lanceolate tepals have a membranous elongated tip at the top. The scars are widened and frayed at their tips.

The winged fruit has a diameter of 10 to 15 mm. Their Tepalenzipfel are keeled bulging, which continues down to the wings, so that on the upper side a five-pointed star is created. The fruit tube has concave side walls with sharply protruding ridges. At its base, a wide, sharp-edged protruding wall surrounds the very large egg-shaped pits. In the lower part of the plant, heavier fruits with short wings are formed, while in the upper part light fruits with large wings ( heterocarpy ) are formed.


The Central Asian range of Halothamnus iliensis includes Kazakhstan , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan , northern Afghanistan , Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan . Halothamnus iliensis grows in semi-deserts on sandy, loamy or stony, often salty subsoil at altitudes of up to around 850 meters.


The first description of this species was in 1912 under the name Salsola iliensis by Wladimir Ippolitowitsch Lipski . Paul Aellen grouped them in 1950 as Aellenia iliensis (Lipsky) Aellen in the genus Aellenia . It was named Halothamnus iliensis (Lipsky) Botsch in 1981 by Victor Petrovič Botschantzev . placed in the genus Halothamnus .


  1. Wladimir Ippolitowitsch Lipski: Salsola iliensis Lipsky. - In: B. Fedčenko: Trudy Imperatorskago S.-Peterburgskago Botaniceskago Sada. Acta Horti Petropolitani. St. Petersburg , Volume 32, 1, 1912, p. 6 (first description, source seen).
  2. ^ Paul Aellen 1950: Results of a botanical-zoological collecting trip through Iran. In: Negotiations of the Natural Research Society in Basel , Volume 61, 1950, p. 176.
  3. ^ Victor Petrovič Botschantzev: Revisio generis Halothamnus Jaub. et Spach (Chenopodiaceae) , In: Botanicheskie Materialy Gerbariya Botanicheskogo Instituta Komarova Akademii Nauk SSSR = Novosti Sistematiki Vysshikh Rastenii. Moscow & Leningrad 18, p. 156 (new combination for Halothamnus, source itself seen)

Web links

Commons : Halothamnus iliensis  - Collection of images, videos and audio files