Hamamelis × intermedia

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Hamamelis × intermedia
The variety Hamamelis × intermedia 'Diane'

The variety Hamamelis × intermedia 'Diane'

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Saxifragales (Saxifragales)
Family : Witch Hazel Family (Hamamelidaceae)
Subfamily : Hamamelidoideae
Genre : Witch Hazel ( Hamamelis )
Type : Hamamelis × intermedia
Scientific name
Hamamelis × intermedia

Hamamelis × intermedia , also called hybrid witch hazel , is a hybrid from the plant genus witch hazel ( Hamamelis ). It is a horticultural cross between the two East Asian species Hamamelis mollis and Hamamelis japonica .


The characteristics of Hamamelis × intermedia lie between those of the parents Hamamelis mollis and Hamamelis japonica . Many of the characteristics are variety-specific (see below under cultivars).

Appearance and leaf

Hamamelis × intermedia grows as a deciduous shrub that reaches heights of 4 to 5 meters and is wider than it is tall. It is broadly erect to funnel-shaped, little branched with ascending branches. The rising ones initially have a slightly felty hairy bark .

The leaves are at a length of 10 to 15 cm and a width of 5 to 10 cm ovoid to obovate with wrong heart-shaped Spreitengrund and buchtig serrated leaf edge. The bright green leaves turn bright yellow, orange to dark red in autumn. The leaf veins are slightly hairy on the underside of the leaf .

Flowers and fruits

The flowers appear in tight clusters before the leaves shoot. The variety-specific fragrant flowers are hermaphroditic and fourfold with a double flower envelope . The four petals , yellow, orange, red-brown or dark red, depending on the variety, are band-shaped and wrinkled.

Small capsule fruits are formed.

Hamamelis × intermedia

Chromosome number

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 24.


The flowers appear in early and mid winter. Phenologically , the different flowering times of the individual Hamamelis × intermedia cultivars are particularly striking. Although the flowering times in trial tests for the individual cultivars were also different every year depending on the winter weather, the phenological differences between the cultivars are even more pronounced. The flowering time between the cultivars 'Diane' and 'Jelena' in southern Norway was an average of 34 days apart.

Breeding history

The two East Asian species Hamamelis mollis and Hamamelis japonica can be crossed indefinitely. Hamamelis × intermedia is therefore also an interspecific hybrid of the parents Hamamelis japonica and Hamamelis mollis . Such hybrids were first grown from the seeds of a Hamamelis mollis in the Arnold Arboretum in 1929 , but it turned out that the specimens cultivated from them had characteristics that were between Hamamelis japonica and Hamamelis mollis . These hybrids were named Hamamelis × intermedia by Alfred Rehder in 1954 . A neighboring Hamamelis japonica 'Zuccariniana' was assumed to be a suspected pollen partner . In 1963 this cross was registered as Hamamelis × intermedia 'Arnold Promise', still one of the most famous and popular cultivars today. In addition to the 'Arnold Promise' variety, hybrids between the Asian witch hazel were also obtained in botanical gardens in Europe (Denmark, Germany and Belgium).

A total of about 5 cultivars of Hamamelis japonica , 13 of Hamamelis mollis and 47 of Hamamelis × intermedia have been registered. For comparison, 12 cultivars are also recorded for Hamamelis vernalis .

Hybrids between the Asian and North American species are suspected. A hybrid between Hamamelis mollis and Hamamelis vernalis has been proposed for the origin of the 'Brevipetala' variety. Some cultivars such as 'Pallida' have been placed with both Hamamelis mollis and Hamamelis × intermedia due to the frequent selection of freely crossing unknown parents . 'Pallida' is probably a backcrossing of Hamamelis × intermedia with Hamamelis mollis . Genetically, 'Pallida' is closest to Hamamelis mollis .

Most Hamamelis × intermedia cultivars are genetically clustered with Hamamelis mollis . The varieties 'Arnold promise', 'Westerstede' and 'Carmine red', on the other hand, were more clearly differentiated from the other cultivars in studies.

Due to the importance of Hamamelis × intermedia for landscaping, two European plant breeding centers are busy with further work on new cultivars. These are the Hillier Nursery (England) and the Kalmthout Arboretum in Antwerp (Belgium). The cultivars offered in Germany today are in particular 'Arnold Promise' and the cultivars 'Diane', 'Jelena', 'Westerstede' and probably 'Pallida' bred from the Kalmthout Arboretum.


The cultivars differ so much that it is hardly possible to give a general description of Hamamelis × intermedia . The following varieties were described in more detail by Krüssman:

variety year colour Leaf features growth Scent comment photo
'All gold' butter yellow, medium-sized, twisted petals Leaves broadly elliptical to ovoid, 11-18 cm long, yellow in autumn Medium-sized shrub, increasing in growth fragrant Flowers colored like H. mollis 'Brevipetala', but long and narrow, calyx purple on the inside
'Aphrodite' purple sepals, orange petals Yes One of the modern Dutch varieties, very showy flowers Hamamelis intermedia Aphrodite (toverhazelaar) .. jpg
'Arnold Promise' 1963 Flowers medium-sized, in dense clusters, calyx reddish green inside, petals 15 mm long, deep sulfur yellow Medium-sized shrub, up to 3 m high and 4 m wide slightly scented 1928 Arnold Arboretum from an accidental cross between H. mollis and H. japonica occurred Hamamelis Arnold Promise 001.JPG
'Carmine Red' Flowers large, calyx wine-red inside, petals 2 cm long, narrow, folded and twisted, pale bronze, more coppery at the tips, red base, pronounced carmine-red in the bud Leaves oval to circular, up to 13 × 13 cm in size, yellow in autumn Medium-sized, broad shrub Originated in Hillier garden, late blooming, March, poor bloomer
'Diane' Flowers medium to large, in dense clusters on the branches, calyx purple on the inside, petals up to 17 mm long and 2.3 mm wide, fairly straight, carmine-red Leaves intensely yellow and scarlet in autumn Very vigorous shrub slightly scented Bred by de Belder in Belgium, one of the best red flowered forms Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' Munich botanical garden.JPG
'Fire Magic' 1958 Flowers large, petals coppery-orange, overlaid with red, similar to those of 'Ruby Glow', but larger, 16-18 mm long, twisted Leaves oval to broadly elliptical, base crooked heart-shaped, about 13 to 17 cm long, 8 - 10 cm wide, autumn color yellow Medium-sized shrub, strong growth, upright rather unpleasantly smelling Breeder Herm. A. Hesse
'Hiltingbury' Flowers medium to large, 16 to 18 mm long, calyx purple inside, petals pale copper-red, tinged with red Leaves circular to more obovate, 8-12 cm long, 7-10 cm wide, yellow, orange, coppery and red in autumn Large shrub, wide or rising Breeder Hillier, flowers not very beautiful, but the leaves are splendid in autumn
'Jelena' 1955 Flowers in dense clusters, large, calyx inside dark wine-red, yellow with a tinge of copper, looking orange from a distance, petals up to 2 cm long, 2 mm wide, twisted and wavy Leaves ovoid, 16-17 cm long, 12-15 cm wide, heart-shaped base, autumn leaves orange, bronze, scarlet and red Large shrub, rising growth slightly scented Breeder Kort / de Belder, one of the most beautiful forms, the earliest flowering variety. Named after Jelena Belder Kovačević Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' 2012.JPG
'Moonlight' 1955 Flowers in dense clusters, medium to large, petals up to 18 mm long, folded and twisted, pale sulfur-yellow, base wine-red, also the calyx inside Leaves fairly circular, 12 to 18 cm long, 9 - 12 cm wide, crooked heart-shaped, yellow in autumn Medium to large shrub with rising branches strongly fragrant Breeder Kort / de Belder, one of the most beautiful forms
'Nina' 1953 Flowers very large, in many-flowered clusters, petals up to 2.7 cm long, deep yellow Medium-sized shrub Breeder Lange, Denmark
'Orange Beauty' 1955 Flowers medium-sized, calyx first greenish-brown inside, later brown-red, petals 15 mm long, deep golden yellow to orange-yellow Leaves like H. mollis , but a little more pointed, yellow in autumn Strong upright growth Breeder Heinr. Bruns
'Primavera' Flowers of medium size in dense clusters on the branches, calyx purple on the inside, petals 17 mm long, sickle-shaped, primrose yellow shrub Breeder de Belder Saxifragales - Hamamelis x intermedia 'Primavera' 1.jpg
'Ruby' purple sepals, red petals shrub Hamamelis x intermedia 'Rubin' right '' Jelena 'left.JPG
'Ruby Glow' Flowers medium-sized to large, calyx wine-red inside, petals up to 18 mm long, coppery, overlaid with red Leaves oval to circular, 12-16 cm long, 8-12 cm wide, in autumn orange, bronze and scarlet Medium to large shrub with ascending to upright branches slightly scented Breeder Heinr. Bruns
'Westerstede' Wine-red sepals, light yellow petals shrub slightly scented
'Winter Beauty' 1962 Flowers similar to those of 'Orange Beauty', but somewhat larger and brown-red at the base of the petals, otherwise deep golden yellow to orange-yellow, 15-20 mm long Strong growth Breeder Wada, Japan


  • R. Dirr: Hamamelis and other witch hazel plants. Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart 1980.
  • J. de Beldr, B. Wouters: Winter bloomers . Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH, Münster 2003.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Veit Martin Dörken: Plant portrait of Hamamelis in the yearbook of the Bochum Botanical Association , 2011. Full text. (PDF; 2.3 MB)
  2. a b c d e f g h Hybrid witch hazel ( Hamamelis × intermedia ) at baumkunde.de
  3. a b Wilhelm Barthlott (Ed.): The Royal Horticultural Society - Dumont's large plant encyclopedia . Volume I: AJ, p. 490, Cologne 1998.
  4. a b A. Sæbø, SO Grimstad: Flowering, forcing, storage and vase life of Hamamelis . In: European Journal of Horticultural Science , 2009, Volume 74, No. 4, 2007, pp. 160-164: Online. (PDF; 222 kB)
  5. ^ Hamamelis intermedia at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  6. a b c d e Robert D. Marquard, Eric P. Davis, Emily L. Stowe: Genetic Diversity among Witchhazel Cultivars Based on Randomly Ampliefied Polymorphic DNA Markers. In: Journal of the American society for Horticultural Science , Volume 122, Issue 4, 1997, pp. 529-535 full text. (PDF)
  7. ^ Richard E. Weaver Jr .: Hamamelis 'Arnold Promise'. In: Arnold Arboretum, Volume 4, 1, 1981, pp. 30-33. Online (PDF; 170 kB)
  8. Gerd Krüssmann 1977: Handbook of the deciduous trees, Volume 2, E-Pro. Parey, Berlin. ISBN 3-489-62122-0
  9. a b c d e f g h i Ornamental trees for the garden - Hamamelis at the Saxon State Institute for Agriculture.
  10. ^ Hamamelis × intermedia 'Arnold Promise' AGM at the Royal Horticultural Society.
  11. ^ Hamamelis × intermedia 'Diane' AGM at the Royal Horticultural Society.
  12. ^ Hamamelis × intermedia 'Jelena' AGM at the Royal Horticultural Society.

Web links

Commons : Hamamelis × intermedia  - collection of images, videos and audio files