Hamburger Reading Booklets Plus

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Nathan the wise
The Hamburg reading book Plus Nathan the Wise was one of the first titles in this series.

The Hamburg Readers Plus was created through a cooperation between the Hamburger Readers and C. Bange Verlag . They contain the original text from the Hamburg reading books and the material part of the King's Explanations , which was specially designed for this series. The first Hamburg Reading Book Plus was published in 2019.


The Hamburg Reading Books Plus are primarily aimed at pupils and teachers. In the text there are always references to the verbal and factual explanations part. A few words are briefly explained in the wide margin and there is space for your own notes. Thanks to a navigation bar, it is easier to orientate yourself in the material part. The Hamburg Readers Plus are roughly divided into four areas: text, biography, verbal and factual explanations and materials.

List of Hamburg Reading Books Plus

Overview of the Hamburg reading books Plus
author title
Georg Buechner Danton's death
Georg Buechner Woyzeck
Joseph von Eichendorff From the life of a good-for-nothing
Theodor Fontane Trials and tribulations
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The Sorrows of Young Werther
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Fist i
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Iphigenia on Tauris
ETA Hoffmann The golden pot
ETA Hoffmann The Sandman
Franz Kafka The transformation
Gottfried Keller Clothes make the man
Heinrich von Kleist The Marquise of O ....
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Emilia Galotti
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Nathan the wise
Friedrich von Schiller The robbers
Friedrich von Schiller cabal and Love
Friedrich von Schiller Maria Stuart
Friedrich von Schiller William Tell
Theodor Storm The Pale Rider