Hanna Dauberger

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Hanna Dauberger (born September 19, 1872 as Johanna Kozumplik in Vienna ; † May 16, 1957 ibid) was an Austrian actress (stage name: Hanna Castaldo) and writer.

Life, work and effect

Hanna Dauberger's autobiography “Theatergift” with its handwritten dedication from December 1943

Hanna Dauberger's autobiography “Theatergift. The novel of an ugly woman ”, which paints a personal picture of Vienna at the turn of the century and provincial theater life, was read in as an audio book in 2005 by the popular actress Hilde Sochor . Immediately after the end of the Second World War, Dauberger published a collection of whispering jokes , the distribution of which was life-threatening during the Nazi regime and was re-published in 2010 by Reinhard Müller under the title “Death stands up for laughter!”. Her collection of anecdotes, “Lauter celebrities und ich” (1947), is also tinged with autobiography.

Hanna Dauberger was buried on May 20, 1957 at the Hütteldorfer Friedhof (group 2, number 364).


Independent books

  • "Theater Poison" (1935)
  • "Viennese. A book that is as cheerful as it is contemplative about the Danube city and its inhabitants ”(1944)
  • "Vienna defends itself with wit" (1945)
  • "Lots of celebrities and me" (1947)


  • “Hilde Sochor reads' Theatergift. Life picture of an unsightly woman '”. 3-CD box set Preiser Records (2005).
  • Minni Schwarz, Hanna Dauberger; Reinhard Müller (Hrsg.): “Death likes to laugh!” Austrian whispered jokes in the Third Reich. Re-edition of the collection, Studienverlag , Innsbruck 2009, ISBN 978-3-7065-4719-2 (552 examples, first printed in 1946).

Web links

Individual evidence