Hans-Dieter Söling

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Hans-Dieter Söling (born August 12, 1929 in Barmen-Elberfeld , † March 6, 2006 ) was a German biomedical scientist.


Hans-Dieter Söling studied human medicine from 1950 to 1955 at the Philipps University of Marburg , the Medical University of Innsbruck and the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg . After his time as an assistant he was in 1956 with a thesis on renal contribution to the renal function test with phenolsulfonephthalein at the Medical School in Freiburg doctorate . At first he worked as a scientific assistant in the Pharmacological Institute of the University of Freiburg, dealing with the metabolism of canine kidneys. From 1959 to 1960 Söling was assistant to Helmut Holzer at the Institute for Physiological Chemistry at the University of Freiburg and worked on the structure elucidation of the active acetaldehyde as well as on the development of enzyme-kinetic processes using the 3-acetylpyridine analog of the NAD.

In 1960 Söling completed his specialist training in internal medicine. At the same time he was head of the metabolism laboratory. Together with Werner Creutzfeldt , he moved to Göttingen in 1965 to take over the management of the biochemical laboratory at the Medical Clinic of the Georg-August University of Göttingen. In 1965 he completed his habilitation with the text The metabolism of alloxandiabetic rat liver and its influence by insulin and oral antidiabetics at the medical faculty of the Georg-August University in Göttingen . He received the venia legendi for clinical biochemistry and internal medicine. After a one-year research stay at the American McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research in Madison , Wisconsin with Henry C. Pitot , he was appointed professor in Göttingen in 1969 . In 1974 he became full professor of the newly created chair for clinical biochemistry . Söling retired in 1997 . He was then employed as emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry as head of the neurobiology research group until his death.

The main research area in recent years has been the stimulus-secretion coupling of exocrine cells ( parotid gland ) and protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum as well as the intracellular transport step between the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. Söling has published over 200 scientific papers. He was represented in numerous national and international committees and organizations, including the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).



  • Werner Creutzfeldt, Hans-Dieter Söling: "Oral Treatment of Diabetes" , Springer Heidelberg 1961
  • Hans-Dieter Söling, Berend Willms: "Regulation of gluconeogenesis" , Thieme Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-13-465501-2
  • Hans-Dieter Söling, Claus-Dieter Seufert: "Biochemical and clinical aspects of ketone body metabolism" , Thieme Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-13-551501-X

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