Hans-Henning Lathan

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Hans-Henning Lathan (born January 30, 1943 in Hartmannsdorf ) is a German sports doctor .


Lathan studied medicine, in 1968 he completed his doctoral thesis at the University of Leipzig on the subject of "A contribution to the clinic, pathology and prognosis of primary malignant bone tumors". He worked at the Research Institute for Body Culture and Sport (FKS) in Leipzig , where he worked in research in the 1970s in the areas of electromyostimulation in competitive sports ( 1974), urea diagnostics in weightlifting, load tolerance of connective and supporting tissue (1976), Serum phosphate level (1978), performance structure and training control in maximum strength and speed strength sports (1979) and injuries and diseases in weightlifting (1979). He also taught at the German University for Physical Culture (DHfK).

Lathan was a doctor of the Weightlifting Association of the German Democratic Republic and at the international level a member of the medical committee of the World Weightlifting Association IMF . As in the previous decade, this sport was the focus of much of his work in the 1980s. He examined, among other things, the development of young weightlifters (1981), the long-term performance build-up in weightlifters with regard to the support, holding and musculoskeletal system (1982), the development of performance reserves and resilience in the speed strength disciplines, including weightlifting (1983). He dealt with the subject of “weight-making” (1985), creatine kinase in weightlifting (1987 and 1989), aspects of sports medicine for increasing resilience and perfecting training control in high-speed sports (1987) as well as the “importance of selected organismic performance requirements in the development of top athletic performance in the sport of weightlifting ”.

In 1981 Lathan published the textbook "Selected Sports Medicine Contributions to Performance Development in Maximum and High-Speed ​​Sports", followed in 1987 by the work "Sports Medicine Basics for Performance Development in Sports Groups. 2, maximum and speed strength sports ”and in 1989 the second edition of this book.

From January 1975 Lathan was a member of the research group “Additional Performance Reserves” at the FKS, which among other things dealt with the use of anabolic steroids in sport. In 1991 Brigitte Berendonk published the book "Doping Documents: From Research to Fraud" quoted from several internal reports of the VCS and the Sports Medical Service , which deal with research and the use of "supporting resources" (abbreviated to "uM"), So doping drugs, in top-class sport, especially in weightlifting, goes. As a result, Lathan was involved in scientific work "On the effect of Oral-Turinabol and Vistimon on the athletic performance of weightlifters in adolescence" (1977), the "Evaluation of the use in the Olympic cycle 1967-1989 in weightlifting" (1981), "Anabolic effect Steroids on the physical and athletic development of retarded and accelerated young weightlifters "(1981)," Possibilities for stabilizing the testosterone level after the use of anabolic steroids "(1982)," On the use of anabolic steroids in the performance build-up of weightlifting "and" On the use of training-supporting means in weightlifting involved in the 1984 Olympic year with special attention to the UWV ”(1983). According to Der Spiegel , Lathan provided detailed information on the dosage of anabolic steroids and the problem of breast growth in male athletes.

Also according to Berendonk, referring to a colloquium report, Lathan stated in June 1981 that "the support of the training with accelerated juniors / adolescents has proven itself", "which showed clear leaps in performance through the use of uM, which were not equally observed in the past".

Lathan worked as a doctor in Leipzig after the end of the GDR. In 1991 he admitted to the North German Broadcasting Corporation that high-performance athletes had been "systematically administered doping agents" in the GDR, including drugs that had not yet been clinically approved in the GDR.

In 1995, Lathan was sued by former weightlifter Roland Schmidt, who suffered from drug side effects and accused Lathan and another doctor of willful physical harm. The lawsuit was dismissed because officials could not "be held liable for injustice caused in the GDR on behalf of the state". In 1999 a doping case against Lathan was discontinued after the payment of a fine of 20,000 DM.

Individual evidence

  1. Personnel: Our anniversaries in January 2013 - congratulations! In: Ärzteblatt Sachsen 12/2012. Retrieved February 24, 2019 .
  2. Hans-Henning Lathan: A contribution to the clinic, pathology and prognosis of primary malignant bone tumors / . 1968 ( uni-leipzig.de [accessed on February 24, 2019]).
  3. Previous experience with the use of electromyostimulation in competitive sports. In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports. 1974, Retrieved February 24, 2019 .
  4. ABOUT VALUE OF UREA DIAGNOSTICS IN WEIGHTLIFTING. In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports. 1976, accessed February 24, 2019 .
  5. On the problem of the load tolerance of the connective and supporting tissue, illustrated by weightlifting using examples of loading on the knee joint. In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports. 1976, accessed February 24, 2019 .
  7. PERFORMANCE STRUCTURE AND TRAINING CONTROL IN MAXIMUM STRENGTH AND SPEED SPORTS. In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports. 1979, accessed February 24, 2019 .
  9. : "Also good for bomber pilots" . In: Der Spiegel . tape 8 , February 18, 1991 ( spiegel.de [accessed February 24, 2019]).
  10. ^ Editing of new Germany: IMF plans sanctions against Leipzig doctor (new Germany). Retrieved February 24, 2019 .
  11. Ulrich Kaempfe, Hans-Henning Lathan: The athletic and physical development of young weightlifters as a function of biological age . In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports . tape 19 , no. 9/10 , 1981, pp. 199–207 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed on February 24, 2019]).
  12. To develop and secure a high resilience of the supporting, holding and musculoskeletal system in long-term performance building in weightlifters. In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports. 1982, accessed February 24, 2019 .
  13. Hans-Henning Lathan: Sports medicine standpoints for the development of performance reserves as well as for securing and increasing resilience in the high-speed disciplines of athletics and weightlifting . In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports . tape 21 , no. 10 , 1983, p. 93–110 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed on February 24, 2019]).
  14. ^ Hans-Henning Lathan, Ulrich Kaempfe: Analysis of problems with "weight making" in weight lifting and in other weight class sports . In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports . tape 23 , no. 11 , 1985, pp. 90–110 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed on February 24, 2019]).
  15. CREATINE KINASE ACTIVITIES AND TRAINING EXPERIENCE IN WEIGHT-LIFTING. In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports. 1987, accessed February 24, 2019 .
  16. UNUSUAL INCREASES IN ACTIVITY OF CREATINE KINASE IN THE SERUM IN WEIGHTLIFTERS. In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports. 1989, accessed February 24, 2019 .
  17. SPORTS MEDICAL ASPECTS TO INCREASE RESILIENCE AND PERFECT TRAINING CONTROL IN VELOCITY SPORTS. In: Theory and Practice of Competitive Sports. 1987, accessed February 24, 2019 .
  18. Hans-Henning Lathan: The importance of selected organismic performance requirements in the development of top athletic performance in the sport of weightlifting . Academy for Medical Training, 1987 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed on February 24, 2019]).
  19. Selected sports medicine articles on the development of performance in maximum and high-speed sports / (=  study material for the theory and methodology of the training of sports - maximum and high-speed sports ). German University of Physical Culture, 1981 ( uni-leipzig.de [accessed on February 24, 2019]).
  20. Sports medicine basics for performance development in sports groups. (=  ... ). 1st edition Ger. Hochschule für Körperkultur, 1987 ( uni-leipzig.de [accessed on February 24, 2019]).
  21. Sports medicine basics for performance development in sports groups. (=  ...; maximum / speed strength sports ). 2nd edition, unchanged. Reprint of the 1st edition of Ger. Hochschule für Körperkultur, 1989 ( uni-leipzig.de [accessed on February 24, 2019]).
  22. a b Cycling4Fans - Doping: Lathan, Hans-Henning. Retrieved February 24, 2019 .
  23. ^ Berendonk, Brigitte: Doping documents. From research to fraud . Springer-Verlag, 1991, ISBN 978-3-540-53742-7 , pp. 478, 479 .
  24. ^ Doping: Expensive Medals . In: Der Spiegel . tape May 18 , 1994 ( spiegel.de [accessed February 24, 2019]).
  25. ^ Berendonk, Brigitte: Doping documents. From research to fraud . Springer-Verlag, 1991, ISBN 978-3-540-53742-7 , pp. 110 .
  26. MR Dr. med. habil. Hans-Henning Lathan, General Practitioner in 04277 Leipzig, Dohnaweg 14. Accessed on February 24, 2019 .
  27. No names, but code numbers (new Germany). Retrieved February 24, 2019 .
  28. New Germany editorial office: Unwanted breasts with legal consequences (new Germany). Retrieved February 24, 2019 .
  29. Udo Ludwig, Georg Mascolo: PROCESSES: System blown up . In: Der Spiegel . tape 37 , September 13, 1999 ( spiegel.de [accessed February 24, 2019]).