Hans-Peter Korte

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Hans-Peter Korte (born December 4, 1947 in Nikolausdorf ) is a German judge and former president of the finance court in Baden-Württemberg .

Korte studied 1967 to 1973 at the universities in Freiburg , Kiel and Münster law . After working as a research assistant at the University of Freiburg, he completed his legal clerkship in Baden-Württemberg. In 1977 he became a doctor of law doctorate .

After completing his training, Korte joined the financial administration of Baden-Württemberg . This was followed by work at various tax offices , including as their head. In 1985, Korte switched to tax jurisdiction. After reunification, he supported the establishment of the judiciary in East Germany from 1991 to 1992 by working for the financial senate of the Dresden District Court . In 2001 he was appointed Presiding Judge at the Finance Court and in 2002 President of the Finance Court. He retired in January 2013.

Hans-Peter Korte was a member of the 32-member Finance and Tax Committee for the 2006–2011 election period of the Southern Upper Rhine Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Hans-Peter Korte passed as President of the Finance Court