Hans Branig

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Hans Branig (* 1905 in Goldentraum , Lauban district ; † April 28, 1985 in Jügesheim ) was a German archivist and historian who did research in particular on the history of Pomerania . From 1947 he worked at the Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage in Berlin . His two volume History of Pomerania was published after his death.

life and work

Hans Branig was born into a Berlin family in 1905 in Goldentraum in the Lauban district, where his father took up a position as a pastor that same year. In 1910 the family moved to Tempelhof , where he grew up and attended schools. He then studied history, German and English at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin and at the University of Greifswald . In Greifswald, he became in 1929 with a dissertation on Prussia and Russia during the first Silesian War Dr. phil. PhD; he had chosen the topic at the suggestion of his academic teacher Hans Glagau . In 1931 he passed the state examination for the higher teaching post.

Branig decided against the profession of high school teacher and in favor of the profession of archivist . In 1933/1934 he attended a course at the institute for archival science and historical studies in Berlin and passed the state examination for the higher archival service in 1934. He then went to the Stettin State Archives , where he began as a volunteer in 1935 and was promoted to the State Archives Council in 1939. At the outbreak of the Second World War he was drafted into the Wehrmacht , but in June 1940 he was seconded to the archive administration of the Generalgouvernement , where he became head of the archive office in Warsaw in 1943 after various assignments . In 1944 he returned to the Wehrmacht and in May 1945 was taken prisoner by the Soviets, from which he was released in November 1946.

In 1947 he began as an archivist at the Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage in Berlin, where he worked until his retirement. He also became a member of the Historical Commission for Pomerania , the Historical Commission in Berlin and the Prussian Historical Commission . Branig took over the archive and literature reports on Poland for the magazine Der Archivar from 1960 to 1983 and the literature reports on the history of Pomerania and Mecklenburg from 1962 to 1973 for the papers on German national history . He published several articles, particularly on the history of Pomerania.

He could no longer complete his main work, a multi-volume history of Pomerania . The manuscript he left behind was edited by Professor Werner Buchholz from Greifswald and published in two volumes in 1997 and 2000. The reactions to these publications have been mixed. In his review of the first volume, Ludwig Biewer emphatically praised the publication, despite criticism in detail. In contrast, in his review , Nils Jörn subjected the second volume to a devastating criticism as an “unfinished collection of material from various file publications and studies from the 18th to the early 20th centuries”, which left the reviewer with “profound perplexity”.

Fonts (selection)


  • Prince Wittgenstein. A Prussian statesman of the restoration period. Publications from the archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, Volume 17. Böhlau Verlag, Cologne and Vienna 1981.
  • History of Pomerania. Part. 1. From the establishment of the modern state to the loss of state independence 1300–1648. Publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania, Series V, Volume 22 / I. Böhlau Verlag, Cologne and Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-412-07189-7 .
  • History of Pomerania. Part. 2. From 1648 to the end of the 18th century. Publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania, Series V, Volume 22 / II. Böhlau Verlag, Cologne and Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-412-09796-9 .




  1. Ludwig Biewer : Hans Branig: History of Pomerania. Part I. In: Baltic Studies . Volume 83 NF, 1997, ISSN  0067-3099 , pp. 124-126.
  2. ^ Nils Jörn : Hans Branig: History of Pomerania. Part II. In: Baltic Studies . Volume 87 NF, 2001, ISSN  0067-3099 , pp. 209-213.