Hans Glatzel

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Hans Glatzel (born August 22, 1902 in Göppingen ; † March 21, 1990 ) was a German nutritional physiologist.


Hans Glatzel was the son of the doctor Friedrich Glatzel. After graduating from high school, he began studying medicine at the University of Tübingen in 1921 , where he joined the Germania Tübingen fraternity that same year . He continued his studies at the universities of Berlin, Königsberg and Vienna, and completed it in Berlin in 1926 with the state examination. This was followed by his medical internship in Hamburg, the time as a trainee doctor and, after receiving his license to practice medicine in 1927 , he received his first assistant doctor position there. He then worked as an assistant doctor at the Medical University Clinic in Heidelberg with Ludolf von Krehl . From October 1929 to February 1931 he worked as an assistant at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics with Otmar von Verschuer . He published on the "proportion of genetic make-up and the environment in the variability of the normal blood count", based on a comparative study of 44 monozygotic and 48 dizygotic twin pairs. He also researched “in 12 identical and dizygotic pairs of twins by means of gastric lavage after alcohol consumption, the significance of hereditary and environmental factors for normal gastric function.” In the meantime, he was promoted to Dr. med. doctorate and had completed his specialist training in internal medicine. In 1931, he continued his internship with Hermann Straub at the Medical University Clinic in Göttingen , where he completed his habilitation in 1936 and then worked there as a private lecturer .

In the time of National Socialism he belonged from 1934 to the Nazi Lecturer Association and the SA , where he rose to senior squad leader in 1943. He also joined the NSV in 1935 and the DAF in 1936 , in 1937 he became a member of the NSDAP and in 1938 of the NS-Ärztebund .

From 1938 he was senior physician under Hanns Löhr at the Medical Clinic for Internal Medicine at Kiel University . After the beginning of the Second World War he was an advisory nutritional physiologist at the Deputy General Command X and from 1940 as a department and regimental doctor. From 1942 to 1945 he was an adjunct professor of internal medicine at the University of Kiel and a manager at a reserve hospital in the city. From 1944, Glatzel was a member of the scientific advisory board of Karl Brandt , the authorized representative for health care .

From 1946 to 1947 he headed the internal department of the Diakonissenanstalt Flensburg and then practiced as an internist in Flensburg for almost ten years. In addition, around 1948 he became an expert at the regional insurance office and the regional social court in Schleswig . In 1950 Glatzel helped the Nazi euthanasia perpetrator Werner Heyde , who lived under the alias Fritz Sawade and who revealed his true identity to Glatzel , to work as a psychiatric expert by establishing contact with the President of the Regional Social Court, Ernst Siegfried Buresch . Glatzel had known since 1953 that Heyde had been put out to be wanted. After Heyde's arrest in 1959, proceedings against Glatzel were initiated on grounds of preferential treatment, which were discontinued in February 1960. The lawyer Klaus-Detlev Godau-Schüttke classifies Glatzel as one of the main actors in the Heyde / Sawade affair and does not consider it just a presumption that Heyde and Glatzel already knew each other before 1945.

From 1957 until his retirement in 1967 he headed the clinical-physiological department at the Max Planck Institute for Nutritional Physiology . He was a member of the Senate Commission for Nutritional Research of the DFG .

Glatzel operated among other things "the clarification of the psychosomatic genesis of gastric and duodenal ulcer (ulcer disease) and worked out the scientific basis for the importance of spices in dietetics." He was the author of many nutritional publications.

Glatzel was married twice. The first marriage had two sons and a daughter and the second marriage had two daughters.

Fonts (selection)

  • About to or. Merencephalie (= journal for the entire neurology and psychiatry , volume 111), Springer, Berlin 1927, DNB 570234999 (also dissertation University of Hamburg, Medical Faculty, 1930, 44 pages).
  • Table salt and nutrition: Studies on the salt need of healthy people, its causes and effects . Göttingen 1935, DNB 570235006 (Habilitation thesis University of Göttingen, Medical Faculty, 1935, 154 pages).
  • Food and nutrition. Well-known and newly researched things about food (= Understandable Science. Volume 39), Springer, Berlin 1939.
  • Sick nutrition: a dietary textbook , Springer, Berlin / Göttingen / Heidelberg 1953.
  • Expert opinion key for judges and administrative officials: An aid to understanding med. Expert opinion , Asgard, Bad Godesberg 1955
  • Together with Josef Nöcker: The nutrition of the athlete ( series of publications by the committee for the scientific and methodological promotion of competitive sport in the NOK , volume 1), National Olympic Committee for Germany, Frankfurt am Main 1963.
  • The spices: their effects on healthy and sick people , Nicolai, Herford 1968
  • Nutrition in the technical world: food requirements, present situation, future perspectives , Hippokrates, Stuttgart 1970
  • The healthy and the sick person: Disease development, disease detection, disease treatment, disease prevention , Klett, Stuttgart 1970
  • Behavioral physiology of nutrition: procurement, customs, hunger, appetite , Urban and Schwarzenberg, Munich, Berlin, Vienna 1973
  • Tabulae diaeteticae: a reference work for the doctor on the nutrition of the healthy and the sick , Aesopus, Milano / Munich / Lugano 1973
  • Nutrition in the office and in intellectual work: Practical guidelines for communal catering and kitchen , Schilling, Herne 1973, ISBN 3-467-87081-3 .
  • Nutrition, nutritional diseases, loss of appetite (= U and S pocket books , Volume 63), Urban and Schwarzenberg, Munich / Berlin / Vienna 1976, ISBN 3-541-08601-7 .
  • Sense and nonsense in dietetics , Urban and Schwarzenberg, Munich / Vienna / Baltimore 1978 ISBN 3-541-08601-7 .
  • Ways and wrong ways of modern nutrition , Hippokrates, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-7773-0523-5 .
  • Sense and nonsense of vitamins , Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Berlin / Cologne / Mainz 1987, ISBN 3-17-009574-9 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Willy Nolte (Ed.): Burschenschafter Stammrolle. List of members of the German Burschenschaft according to the status of the summer semester 1934. Berlin 1934, p. 146.
  2. Hans Glatzel in the Kiel list of scholars
  3. Hans-Walter Schmuhl: Crossing borders. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics 1927–1945. History of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism, Volume 9. Wallstein, Göttingen 2005, p. 77
  4. Hans-Walter Schmuhl: Crossing borders. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics 1927–1945. History of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in National Socialism, Volume 9. Wallstein, Göttingen 2005, p. 104f.
  5. a b c d e Jörg Melzer: Whole food nutrition. Dietetics, naturopathy, National Socialism, social demands , Stuttgart 2003, p. 283
  6. a b c Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 185
  7. ^ Klaus-Detlev Godau-Schüttke: The Heyde / Sawade affair. How lawyers and medical professionals covered the Nazi euthanasia professor Heyde after 1945 and remained unpunished. 2nd edition, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2001, ISBN 3-7890-7269-9 , pp. 8, 64-67, 70.
  8. Brockhaus Encyclopedia in twenty volumes , 1969, Volume 7, p. 379
  9. Who is who ?: Das deutsche Who's who, Volume 34, 1995, p. 409