Hans Imer von Gilgenberg

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Hans Imer and Agatha von Gilgenberg , founder window in the Roman Catholic. Church of Meltingen attributed to Hans Baldung Grien , 1519

Hans Imer von Gilgenberg (* before 1469 ; † June 25, 1533 in Ensisheim ) was a knight , governor and imperial councilor in Upper Austria .


Hans Imer von Gilgenberg was a son of Hans Bernhard von Gilgenberg . After his father's death in Neuss , he inherited Gilgenberg Castle near Solothurn in 1474 . Like his father, Gilgenberg bore the coat of arms of the barons of Ramstein / Bretzwil with two crossed lily stems (= Ilgen). Hans Imer von Gilgenberg acquired citizenship in Solothurn in 1485 and sold the Gilgenberg estate to the city in 1489.

In 1494, Hans Imer von Gilgenberg, who previously held the position of bailiff and imperial councilor in Ensisheim, became eighth burger from Basel and thus sat on the council as a representative of the knighthood. At the same time he was the thirteen-year-old Privy Councilor of State. In 1496 and 1498 Gilgenberg was mayor of Basel. Gilgenberg maintained close relationships with Emperor Maximilian . At the time of the Swabian War he was repeatedly a member of the city's embassies to the emperor.

Under the code name Pfefferhans , Gilgenberg sent information from the Confederates' internal leadership circle to the emperor. Although correct in office, Gilgenberg had to give up the mayor's office in October 1499 because of his pro-Austrian partisanship. Gilgenberg married Barbara von Andlau in 1499 and after her death in 1503 Agatha von Breitenlandenberg . From 1502 to 1533 Gilgenberg resided again as governor and imperial council in Ensisheim. From 1519 to 1533 he was a member of the imperial regiment . Gilgenberg, as the leader of the Noble Party, suppressed the regional uprising during the Peasants' War in Alsace in 1525 . In 1526 he led a commission that judged the radical Reformation Anabaptist movement in Waldshut .

Gilgenberg and his second wife Agatha von Breitenlandenberg donated the important stained glass windows of the church of Meltingen in 1519 . The execution of the window with the donor couple is attributed to Hans Baldung Grien and his Freiburg workshop.

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