Hans Krell

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Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach as Grand Master of the Teutonic Order in Prussia (1522)

Hans Krell (* around 1490 in Crailsheim (?); † 1565 in Leipzig ) was a German Renaissance painter .

Hans Krell can be traced first in the vicinity of the King of Hungary (until around 1526), ​​then in Leipzig (from 1531) or in Freiberg in Saxony (from 1534). As a "prince painter" he was in contact with the Margrave Georg von Brandenburg-Ansbach , known as the Pious, the Duke Albrecht of Brandenburg-Ansbach in Prussia and the Elector August of Saxony .


  • Dieter Köpplin, new works by Lukas Cranach and an old picture of a Polish battle - by Hans Krell? , Basel 2003, here pp. 71–104
  • Kurt Lochs: The painter Hans Krell from Crailsheim in the service of Margrave Georg von Brandenburg-Ansbach and King Ludwig II of Hungary. In: Yearbook of the Historical Association for Middle Franconia 97 (1994/1995) . Ansbach, 1995, pp. 151-186. ISSN  0341-9339
  • Kurt Lochs: Hans Krell - Court Painter to King Louis II of Hungary and his Consort, Mary of Hungary. In: Mary of Hungary. The Queen and Her Court 1521-1531. Budapest History Museum - Slovenská národná galéria, Budapest 2005, pp. 69–78.
  • Kurt Lochs: The painter Hans Krell from Crailsheim as a "prince painter" in Leipzig. In: Anzeiger des Germanisches Nationalmuseums o. J. (2007), pp. 29–83
  • Hans Jürgen Wunschel: The painter Hans Krell. Contributions to work and biography. In: Yearbook of the Historical Association for Middle Franconia 95 (1990/91, published 1991) . Ansbach, 1991, pp. 79-82
  • Hans Jürgen Wunschel: furstemaler and burger here in Leiptzigk. Johann Krell the Elder's will. In: Leipziger Calendar (2002) . Leipzig, 2002, pp. 93-99

Web links

Commons : Hans Krell  - collection of images, videos and audio files