Hans never fall

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Hans Nimmerfall (born October 25, 1872 in Munich ; † August 20, 1934 in Pasing ) was, alongside Emil Neuburger, the main representative of the SPD in Pasing, magistrate, and later city ​​councilor of the then city of Pasing (today's district of Munich) from 1912 to 1920 and 1924 Until 1928 member of the Bavarian state parliament for Pasing and the surrounding area, victim of the Nazi regime.

Origin, education

1879–1887 elementary school in Munich, 1887–1890 apprenticeship carpenter, wandering in Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, France, Bohemia and Russian Poland, until 1903 carpenter's assistant in Munich, 1903–1908 warehouse keeper in the consumer association in Pasing.

Political career

1898–1903 part-time regional director of the woodworkers' association in Munich, 1903 candidate for the Reichstag in the Schwaben 2 constituency, 1919 in constituency 24, 1906–1911 municipal representative, March 1908–1933 SPD district party secretary for southern Bavaria in Munich, 1911–1919 magistrate, 1924–1920 and 1924–1920 1928 MdL-Bayern (SPD), on December 18, 1918 as speaker and patron, he led the founding meeting of the SPD local association Mauth - Finsterau and on March 3, 1921 the founding meeting of the SPD local association Aubing- Neuaubing, June 1st to July 26th 1919 Staatsrat [pol] in the Bavarian State Ministry for Military Affairs, 1919–1933 City Councilor in Pasing, 1920 Landtag candidate on the MSPD's election proposal in the constituency of Upper Bavaria.

social commitment

In 1915 he was the founder and later chairman of the Sporer-Block building cooperative in Pasing with the aim of alleviating the prevailing housing shortage.

Concentration camp imprisonment and death

As a social democrat, he was imprisoned in the Munich police prison (Ettstrasse) from March 11 to April 1933 after the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) came to power on suspicion of "high treason", then transferred to Neudeck prison. He was released on May 1, 1933.

On June 30, 1933, he was arrested in the Pasing town hall and deported to the Dachau concentration camp . After a year in the camp, he died on August 20, 1934 in Pasing because of the severe damage to health caused by the abuse he suffered there.

He is the namesake of Nimmerfallstraße in Pasing.

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