Hans Reinhardt

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Hans Paul Reinhardt (born November 4, 1920 in Siegen ; † October 29, 1998 ibid.) Was a German SPD state and local politician and mayor of the city of Siegen.


After the upper school and an administrative clerk with the City of Siegen, where he was employed since 1938, Reinhardt was 1967 over a twelve-year term to 1979 Councilor for Social and Economic Development of the City of Siegen.

Reinhardt was temporarily chairman of the SPD municipal association of Siegen and deputy chairman of the SPD subdistrict Siegen-Wittgenstein in the Social Democratic Party.

From July 21, 1962 to May 27, 1975 Reinhardt belonged in the 5th electoral term, elected in constituency 128 (Siegen-Stadt and Siegen-Land-West), and in the 6th and 7th electoral terms from constituency 131 Siegen-Stadt - Siegen-Land I) to the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia as a member. Reinhardt was a member of the association assembly of the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe from 1960 to 1961 and from 1969 to 1970.

Reinhardt was no longer able to run for the state parliament in 1975 because of his simultaneous assignment as an alderman at the city of Siegen from 1967 to 1979 due to the law on the incompatibility of office and mandate (Incompatibility Act NRW 1972).

After the local elections in 1979, Reinhardt was elected the first mayor of the city of Siegen on October 17, 1979 with the elimination of the official title of Lord Mayor for the large city of Siegen. After the municipal elections in 1984, Reinhardt was re-elected to the mayor's office, which he held until the end of the election period on October 18, 1989.

Reinhardt belonged to the right wing of his party. After the Siegener Alfons Groß, former member of the Waffen-SS , was sentenced to several years imprisonment by the Hagen district court in the Mauthausen-Gusen trial for a homicide crime, Reinhardt intervened together with the MP of the SPD Hermann Schmidt with the aim of pardoning Groß which the Minister of Justice, her party friend Josef Neuberger , rejected. In January 1988 Reinhardt resigned from the city council faction and the party due to the approval of a majority in the SPD for the establishment of a first comprehensive school in Siegen. He was followed by three other council members of the SPD, which thereby lost its council majority. The group of voters Hans Reinhardt was founded together and initially called themselves the “Fraktion der Vernunft”. Reinhardt remained in the office of mayor until the end of the 1989 electoral term, even without a majority.

In the 1989 municipal elections for the City Council of Siegen, Reinhardt achieved 14.4 percent of the vote and 10 council seats with the newly established electoral list of the Independent Voting Association (UWG). As a result, the SPD lost the relative majority it had gained in the 1984 local elections. Reinhardt withdrew from local politics in Siegen as early as 1990 and later left the UWG again.

As a state and local politician, Reinhardt was particularly committed to the concerns of people with disabilities, by campaigning for the establishment of schools and workshops for the disabled and for their care. On the initiative of Reinhardt, compulsory schooling for mentally handicapped people was introduced in North Rhine-Westphalia .

In 1965 Reinhardt was chairman of the special committee of the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament to advise on a law on the schooling and care of mentally disabled people; From 1967 to 1970 he was chairman of the commission set up by the state parliament to deal with questions relating to the care and schooling of the mentally and physically handicapped and from 1972 to 1975 chairman of the working group for educational grants for the mentally disabled in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia.

In addition, Reinhardt was chairman of the Siegen-Wittgenstein district association of the workers' welfare from 1963 to 1988 . The Hans Reinhardt School for disabled people in Siegen, which is run by the AWO, was named after him in 2001. In the 1980s he was chairman of the administrative board of the merged Stadtsparkassen Siegen, Eiserfeld and Weidenau.

In addition, as chairman of the Siegerland Burgenverein, he dedicated himself to the maintenance and expansion of the Hainchen moated castle and the Ginsburg historical buildings in the Siegerland.

From 1994 to 1996 Reinhardt was chairman of the Siegerland homeland and history association .

Individual evidence

  1. "An honoring commemoration for the dead", Siegerländer Heimatkalender 2000, p. 39, 75th edition, published by Siegerländer Heimat- und Geschichtsverein eV, Verlag für Heimatliteratur.
  2. Regionales Personenlexikon, article Alfons Groß .
  3. Anke Bruch: Difficult early years , in: Siegerlandkurier, November 24, 2013.
  4. Wirtschaftswoche, 1983, p. 387.
  5. Siegerländer Heimatkalender 2000, p. 39.
  6. See HP of the Siegerland Homeland and History Association: [1] .


predecessor Office successor
Friedemann Keßler Mayor of Siegen
1979 - 1989
Hilde Fiedler