Hans Sellenati

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Hans Sellenati (also Johann Baptist, born September 6, 1861 in Villach , † December 21, 1935 in Mauthen ) was an Austrian genre and landscape painter, as well as the editor of a local magazine and a pioneer of skiing .

Hans Sellenati was born the son of the traveling salesman and later paint factory manager Johann and the painter Mathilde Sellenati . His parents divorced in 1873, and Hans stayed with his mother.

He attended the lower secondary school in Villach and received drawing lessons from his mother. In 1876 he moved to Vienna with his mother and two siblings . On November 6, 1880, he began his studies in the class of antiquities at the Royal Academy of Arts in Munich . For financial reasons, he had to quit his studies early. From 1896 he worked as a portrait painter in Villach. In 1905 he moved to his mother in Mauthen, where he gave private drawing lessons.

Hans Sellenati painted landscapes, genre pictures and portraits. In 1929 he created nine portraits of the mayor, which are owned by the market town of Kötschach-Mauthen.

Sellenati was committed to promoting tourism and skiing in Kötschach-Mauthen. As a keen winter sports enthusiast, he became the founding chairman of the "Obergailtal Section of the Carinthian Ski Association" on December 14, 1919

He designed “Colorful Evenings” for the Mauthner summer guests. He published the “Mauthner Local Witzblatt - Die Schreibe”. He also wrote poetry.


  • Kärntner Nachrichten, September 26, 1897;
  • Kärntner Tagblatt, January 15, 1936;
  • G. Oezelt, in: Neues aus Alt-Villach (= Mus. Der Stadt Villach, 25. Jb.), 1988, p. 91ff .;
  • 75 years Obergailtaler Sportklub, 1997, p. 8f. (with picture);

Web links

Commons : Hans Sellenati  - collection of images, videos and audio files