Hans Truxa

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Hanns Maria Truxa

Hans Maria Truxa (born May 15, 1851 in Brno , † February 4, 1906 in Vienna ) was an imperial councilor and Austrian writer.


He was the son of the railway engineer Karl Truxa and grandson of the state building director Eduard Gintl. When his father was transferred to Laibach , Truxa, who was born in Moravia, grew up there and attended secondary school there. In 1867 his parents moved to Vienna, so that the capital of Austria became the center of his life from then on. In 1872 he was awarded the academic degree Dr. phil. and worked as a secretary at the Ferdinands-Nordbahn. His first literary publication followed in the following year, followed by numerous others until his death in 1906. Later he was accepted into the civil service as imperial councilor.

Works (selection)

The Austrian Kaiser Jubilee poet book became one of Truxa's works . 50 years of Austrian literature. Most famous of all is the tribute at the turn of the fiftieth year of the accession to the throne of His Majesty the Emperor Franz Joseph I , published in 1899.

