Hans Zaugg

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Hans Zaugg (born May 3, 1913 in Olten ; † August 3, 1990 in Trimbach SO ; resident in Wyssachen ) was a Swiss architect and an important representative of modern Swiss post-war architecture.


Hans Zaugg, the son of a cheese maker, attended elementary schools in Biel, trained as a draftsman in the office of Walter Real and Arnold von Arx from 1928 to 1931. He then studied architecture from 1932 to 1934 at the Technikum Burgdorf and from 1936 to 1938 as a guest student with William Dunkel and Otto Rudolf Salvisberg at the ETH Zurich . On Salvisberg's recommendation, Zaugg was able to play a key role in the design of the left bank of the lake with Hans Hofmann , the chief architect of the Swiss National Exhibition . After the exhibition ended, Zaugg returned to competitions in his home town and was awarded first prize in the competition for the new building of the Olten Central Library in 1942.

Barth and Zaugg

He then founded his own architectural office in Aarau, which he ran from 1944 together with Alfons Barth under the name Barth and Zaugg until his death. The two architects took part in a large number of competitions and also realized numerous school buildings, commercial buildings, factory buildings and residential buildings with his partner. In addition, Barth continued to run his father's office in Schönenwerd and Zaugg his own in Olten. The division of the projects often followed pragmatic reasons of work organization, order situation, workforce.

Hans Zaugg and Alfons Barth shared their preference for contemporary materials such as steel and glass with their like-minded colleagues from the so-called Solothurn School , Max Schlup , Franz Füeg and Fritz Haller . Zaugg, who in 1948 at the age of 35 had been accepted into the BSA , Zurich branch, and who took part in many competitions throughout his life, was also a tireless juror himself.

Own work

While the public buildings and building contracts resulting from competitions were carried out in the shared office, Zaugg mainly planned a number of carefully designed single-family houses in his own office.

When building his own house, Zaugg experimented with ideas from models Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier . He broke completely with the learned Landi style and realized the first of the Solothurn School a Stahltragwerkbau . The visible supporting structure, open room transitions and the large glass fronts to the garden give the building with the flat roof, which was still unfamiliar at the time, its own character. Zaugg used Le Corbusier's Modulor measurement system as a basis for the design, but he modified it to suit his own height from 1.83 to 1.78 meters. The house was built as an iron skeleton with a grid of 0.84 m × 1.10 m.

Works (selection)

own work, Olten office
  • Bahnhofbrücke , Olten 1941–1946 (destroyed)
  • House Zwahlen , Trimbach 1943
  • Cemetery design at Kirchstrasse , Lostorf 1948
  • Zimmerli House , Olten 1951–1952
  • Arzthaus Gauer , Lostorf 1954, 1964, 1969
  • Zaugg's own home , Olten, 1954–1956
  • Cemetery design Meisenhard , Olten 1955–1964, 1972, 1988
  • Administration Ideal Standard , Dulliken 1956–1958 (demolished)
  • Hotel Eiger , Grindelwald 1957–1958
  • Stadium and ice rink , Olten 1957–1959 (with O. Hagmann)
  • Gysin House , Mühledorf 1960–1963
  • Siegrist fashion house , Olten 1960–1961
  • Süess House , Wil SO 1964–1965
  • House Ochsner , Olten 1965–1966
  • Factory building in Süess , Dulliken 1965–1967
  • Jakob House , Wil 1969–1970
  • House Zaugg , Oberdorf 1970–1971
  • Straumann House , Trimbach 1971–1972
  • Kirchgemeindehaus , Hägendorf 1971-1975, 1980
  • Haus Heim , Wil 1972–1973
  • Vögeli House , Wil 1973–1974
  • Eigasse School , Hägendorf 1975–1977
  • House Brügger , Mühledorf 1976
  • Solothurner Kantonalbank , Olten 1976–1979
  • Neuhaus House , Olten 1977–1978
  • Strub-Planzer House , Kappel 1986–1988
Barth and Zaugg office, Aarau office
  • Cantonal Library , Solothurn, Competition II 1942, 1st prize (not carried out)
  • Local planning , Dornach SO / Arlesheim BL Competition 1945, 1st prize
  • School , Grenchen 1945–48
  • Primary school , Niedergösgen 1945–53
  • Administration building Aare-Tessin AG and main post office , (ATEL) Olten 1946–1953, 1978
  • Local planning , Muri, competition 1947, 1st prize
  • Schoolhouse , Döttingen 1948–1949
  • Agricultural School , Gränichen 1948–1957
  • Local planning , Langenthal, competition 1949, 1st prize (with Willi Marti)
  • Residential buildings, doctors' houses , Allerheiligenberg high altitude clinic 1949–1952
  • Vocational school , Olten 1949–1954 (with Oskar Bitterli)
  • District school building Fuchsrain , Möhlin 1952–1960
  • Parish Hall , Aarau 1954–1959
  • Primary school , Rothrist 1957–1961
  • Scheibenschachen school , Aarau 1959–1963
  • Sisters' house in Königsfelden , Windisch 1960–1964
  • Steinmannhaus Cantonal School , Aarau 1961, 1967–1969
  • Final class school Auen , Frauenfeld 1962–1968
  • Sälischulhaus , Olten 1963–1970
  • Mifa apartment buildings , Buchs 1964–1966
  • Rosengartenweg abdication hall , Aarau 1964–1968
  • Apartment building in Oberdorfstrasse , Buchs 1966–1967
  • Post Office , Suhr 1968–1970
  • Post garage Telli , Aarau 1970–1978
  • Swiss Book Center , Hägendorf 1972–1975, 1987
  • SBB Löwenberg training center , Murten 1975–1982 (with Fritz Haller)
  • VEBO Disability Center , Oensingen 1976–1984
  • Parish hall , Däniken 1975–1977
  • School and multi-purpose facility Steinmattstrasse , Oberbuchsiten 1977–1983
  • Juraweg home for the disabled , Staufen 1979–1981
  • Conversion and extension of the main post office , Aarau 1980–1988
  • Expansion of the Zelgli Cantonal School , Aarau 1984–1989
  • Extension of the canton school (library, media library, canteen), Solothurn 1984–1991 (further extensions by Fritz Haller)


  • Jürg Graser, Filled Void. Building the school in Solothurn: Barth, Zaugg, Schlup, Füeg, Haller . gta Verlag, Zurich 2014, 
 ISBN 978-3-85676-281-0
  • Claudio Affolter: Barth and Zaugg . In: Isabelle Rucki and Dorothee Huber (eds.): Architectural Lexicon of Switzerland - 19./20. Century. Birkhäuser, Basel 1998. ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 , p. 38 f.
  • Jürg Martin Graser: The School of Solothurn. The contribution of Alfons Barth, Hans Zaugg, Max Schlup, Franz Füeg ​​and Fritz Haller to Swiss architecture in the second half of the 20th century. Dissertation, Zurich 2008. Online
  • Catalog raisonné: Alfons Barth; Hans Zaugg; Franz Füeg; Fritz Haller; Max Schlup . In: Werk, Bauen + Wohnen . tape 68 , no. 7/8 , 1981, pp. 66-68 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-51975 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jürg Martin Graser: The school of Solothurn. Diss. ETHZ 2008. p. 56