Hans von der Gabelentz

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Hans Albrecht von der Gabelentz (born April 10, 1872 in Münchenbernsdorf , † February 8, 1946 in Eisenach ) was a German art historian , museum director and writer.


Hans von der Gabelentz was born on April 10, 1872 as the son of the noble family von der Gabelentz as Hans Albrecht von der Gabelentz-Linsingen and is the younger brother of the writer Georg von der Gabelentz . He studied art history at the Universities of Lausanne , Berlin and Munich . At the University of Munich he was trained by Berthold Riehl in 1898 on the “ History of Upper German Miniature Painting in the XVI. Century ”received his doctorate and habilitation in 1901.

Von der Gabelentz was cabinet secretary to Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Weimar from 1908 and director of the Weimar museums from 1911. From 1912 to 1922 he was director of the German Art History Institute in Florence . The institute was, however, since 1918 and he lived as a private scholar in Lemnitz .

In 1930 von der Gabelentz became the castle captain of the Wartburg . He founded the Wartburg Museum and the Castle Archive. Until its expropriation, Hans Albrecht von der Gabelentz-Linsingen was the last owner of the Lemnitz baroque palace.

Hans von der Gabelentz died on February 8, 1946 in Eisenach.

Co-founder of the German Poet Academy

Together with his cousin Börries von Münchhausen , von der Gabelentz founded the German Poet Academy in the early 1930s, which was based on the Wartburg. Starting with the “Reichs-Goethe-Celebration” from 1932 to 1937, nationalist writers gathered there for poet meetings, where the “silver Wartburg rose” was awarded in poetry honors . The Wartburgkreis v. a. by Hans Severus Ziegler . In 1938, the Wartburg meeting was no longer allowed to take place because the National Socialists organized the so-called “ Greater German Poet Meetings ” in Weimar and brought together all previous poet meetings there. A large group of national writers appeared at the Wartburg meeting, including a. Hans Friedrich Blunck , Max Dreyer , Paul Ernst , Hanns Johst , Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer , Heinrich Lilienfein , Agnes Miegel , Jakob Schaffner , Wilhelm Schäfer , Hermann Stehr . The "German Poet Academy" formed a nationalist counterpart to the poets section of the Prussian Academy of the Arts in Berlin.

Publications (selection)

  • On the history of Upper German miniature painting in the XVI. Century , dissertation, JHE Heitz, 1898
  • Medieval sculpture in Venice , Leipzig, Karl W. Hiersemann, 1903
  • Church art in the Italian Middle Ages. Your Relationship to Culture and Doctrine , 1907
  • The Biblia pauperum and Apocalypse of the Grand Ducal Library in Weimar , Strasbourg, Heitz and Muendel, 1912
  • Drawings by old masters in the Kupferstich-Kabinett of the Grand Ducal Museum in Weimar , 3 volumes, 1912–1924
  • Fra Bartolommeo and the Florentine Renaissance , two volumes, published by Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig 1922
  • The Wartburg: a guide through its history and buildings , 1931
  • Wartburg fate: from the life of a German romantic , 1934
  • Stone miracles. Experiences on a trip to India , 1935
  • From the early days of the Wartburg renovation. Letters from the builder Hugo von Ritgen to the castle captain Bernhard von Arnswald , 1941
  • The Wartburg. Guide to major architectural monuments , 1944


Festschrift / commemorative celebration in memory of Hans Albrecht von der Gabelentz-Linsingen: April 12, 1997 in Münchenbernsdorf / Thuringia . Heimatverein Münchenbernsdorf eV, Münchenbernsdorf 1997.

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