Harald Derschka

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Harald Derschka (* 1969 in Konstanz ) is a German historian and numismatist . He works as an adjunct professor at the University of Konstanz .

Live and act

Harald Derschka studied history and philosophy at the University of Konstanz , where he received his doctorate in 1998 under Helmut Maurer with a thesis on the ministerial of the Hochstift Konstanz . From 1998 to 2008 he was Hans-Wolfgang Strätz's assistant at the chair for legal history, canon law and civil law at the University of Konstanz. In addition, from 2000 to 2003 he was involved in the DFG- funded research project "The Mühlberg Ensemble in Kempten (Allgäu) - Material Culture and Social Topography of a City of the Late Middle Ages in the Mirror of Newly Discovered Archaeological and Written Sources", in which he used the numismatic finds, that could be recovered during archaeological excavations and construction work, inventoried and evaluated.

From 2008 to 2012 Derschka was an academic assistant at the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Basics of Integration” at the University of Konstanz, where he completed his habilitation in 2011 with a thesis on the four-humer theory as a personality theory of the 12th century for the subject of medieval history. Since 2013 he has been the project manager of the DFG-supported research project “The Reichenauer Lehenbuch Abbot Friedrich von Wartenberg (1428–1453)”; since 2017 he has headed the project, also funded by the DFG, "The urbarial documents of the Reichenau Abbey (2nd half of the 15th century)".

Derschka's research focuses on the intellectual history of the High Middle Ages , the history of the Southwest German region , legal and constitutional history, as well as fund numerism and monetary history . He is a member of the board of directors of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings .

Fonts (selection)


  • The association for the history of Lake Constance and its surroundings. A look back at one hundred and fifty years of the association's history 1868–2018 (= writings of the association for the history of Lake Constance and its surroundings ; vol. 136). Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2018, ISBN 978-3-7995-1725-6 .
  • The Reichenau fief books of Abbots Friedrich von Zollern (1402–1427) and Friedrich von Wartenberg (1428–1453) (= publications of the Commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg, Series A / Sources . Volume 61). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2018, ISBN 978-3-17-033573-8 .
  • Individual and Personality in the High Middle Ages . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2014, ISBN 978-3-17-025185-4 .
  • The four-juices theory as personality theory. To further develop an ancient concept in the 12th century . Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2013, ISBN 978-3-7995-0515-4 .
  • Fund coins from Kempten. Catalog and evaluation of the coins and coin-like objects from the Middle Ages and modern times found in Kempten (Allgäu) (= Allgäu research on archeology and history . Volume 2). Likias Verlag, Friedberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-9807628-7-8 .
  • The Schwabenspiegel translated into today's German with illustrations from old manuscripts , CH Beck, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-406-49293-2 .
  • The ministerial of the Hochstift Konstanz (=  Constance working group for medieval history: lectures and research; special volume . Volume 45 ). Thorbecke, 1999, ISBN 3-7995-6755-0 , ISSN  0933-4467 ( Online PDF; 375.4 MB [accessed July 28, 2015]).


  • Edited with Jürgen Klöckler : Der Bodensee. Nature and history from 150 perspectives. Anniversary volume of the international association for the history of Lake Constance and its surroundings 1868–2018. Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2018, ISBN 978-3-7995-1724-9 .
  • Edited with Jürgen Klöckler and Thomas Zotz : Constance and the southwest of the empire in the high and late Middle Ages. Festschrift for Helmut Maurer for his 80th birthday (= Konstanz historical and legal sources . Volume 48). Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2017, ISBN 978-3-7995-6848-7 .
  • Edited with Rainer Hausmann and Martin Löhnig : Festschrift for Hans-Wolfgang Strätz on his 70th birthday . Legal culture edition, Regenstauf 2009, ISBN 978-3-86646-400-1 .

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