Harry Furniss

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Harry Furniss (1880)

Henry (Harry) Furniss (born March 26, 1854 in Wexford , Ireland, † January 14, 1925 in Hastings , England ) was a British-Irish artist, caricaturist , illustrator and author.


Caricature by Lewis Vernon Harcourt, 1st Viscount Harcourt

Furniss was born in Wexford, Ireland, to the Scottish miniature painter Isabella Mackenzie and a British engineer, and attended Wesley College in Dublin .

In 1873 he settled in London as a cartoonist and illustrator. He found his first permanent job in 1876 as an illustrator for the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News , and after it was bought by the publisher of The Illustrated London News, he switched to this magazine, for which he made illustrations for social events until 1884, such as the Boat Race , the Goodwood horse race at Chichester and the Brookwood Hospital annual masquerade ball in Woking . He also reported as a special correspondent on contemporary events, such as the divorce process of Lady Colin Campbell , the longest in British court history. In 1877 he married Marian Rogers († 1937). The couple had several children, of whom daughter Dorothy (1879–1944) also became an artist.

A Committee of Taste. The Lord Protect Us! for Vanity Fair, December 1, 1898

In 1880 Punch magazine published the first of his parodic drawings, which were followed by around 2,600 pieces by 1894, including the series The Essence of Parliament with caricatures of the leading Whig and Tory politicians of the time. In addition, he drew for other magazines such as Black & White and Vanity Fair and repeatedly illustrated stories and books by authors such as Lewis Carroll .

In 1894 he published his own magazine Lika Joka . After its failure, he worked in the emerging film industry as an actor and author in the USA from 1912 to 1913, and in 1914 he made the first animated cartoon for Thomas Alva Edison . In 1910 his over 500 illustrations were published for the eighteen-volume The Charles Dickens Library and in 1911 for works by William Makepeace Thackeray . He was also active as an author of specialist books and autobiographical works, such as Confessions of a Caricaturist .

From 1904 until his death in 1925, he lived in High Wickham No.8 (now No.12) in the Old Town of Hastings and maintained a studio in East Cliff House .

Works (selection)

as an author and illustrator
  • Confessions of a Caricaturist , Autobiography, 1902
  • Harry Furniss At Home , 1904
  • Our Lady Cinema , 1914
  • Some Victorian Women: Good, Bad and Indifferent , 1923
  • Some Victorian Men , 1924
as an illustrator
Illustration for Sylvie and Bruno
  • Romps , Verses by Horace Lennard, 1885
  • Sylvie and Bruno (English original title: Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded ) by Lewis Carroll ; the first editions appeared in 1889 and 1893 by Macmillan Publishers
  • Brayhard, The Adventures of One Ass and Seven Champions , 1890
  • The Wallypug of Why by GE Farrow, 1895
  • Gamble Gold by Judge Edward Abbott Parry, 1907
  • Charles Dickens Library by Charles Dickens , 1910
  • Edition of the works of William Makepeace Thackeray , 1911

Individual evidence

  1. a b Furniss, Harry. In: org.uk. friendsofhastingscemetery.org.uk, accessed October 12, 2015 .
  2. a b Harry Furniss (1854-1925): Actor, Lecturer, Cartoonist, and Illustrator. In: victorianweb.org. Retrieved October 8, 2015 .
  3. a b Harry Furniss | biography - Anglo-Irish caricaturist. In: britannica.com. Encyclopedia Britannica, accessed October 11, 2015 .
  4. ^ Hastings Borough Council, Webmaster [email protected]: Hastings Borough Council -. In: gov.uk. www.hastings.gov.uk, September 1, 2010, accessed October 12, 2015 .
  5. ^ Harry Furniss: Our Lady Cinema: How and Why I Went Into the Photo-play World and What I Found There . Routledge, 2013, ISBN 978-1-317-92885-0 ( books.google.de ).

Web links

Commons : Harry Furniss  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files