Harry Gabcke

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Harry Gabcke

Harry Gabcke (born March 26, 1927 in Wesermünde - Lehe ; † March 12, 1988 in Bremerhaven ) was a German educator and local researcher .


Gabcke began his training as a teacher in Celle , then was initially in a commercial apprenticeship at the Nordwestdeutscher Verlag Ditzen in Bremerhaven-Lehe. In 1944 he had to do labor service and served as a soldier. After the Second World War and a brief period as a prisoner of war, he completed the pedagogical seminar in Bremerhaven at the Uhland School . From 1953 he was a teacher at the Neuelandschule in Lehe, the Fichteschule in Wulsdorf and the Immanuel-Kant-Schule in Geestemünde . In 1961 he was appointed director of the Hermann Löns School , and in 1968 theFritz Husmann School in Leherheide and in 1971 at the Johann Gutenberg School in Leherheide. In 1985 he was retired for health reasons. In the school service he was for many years chairman of the staff council of the Bremerhaven schools and a member of the education and science union (GEW).

His local history works are important, especially the three-volume Bremerhaven work in two centuries , which his wife completed after his death. In the 1950s Gabcke was involved in the All-German People's Party of Gustav Heinemann , for which he ran unsuccessfully in the federal election in 1953 in the state of Bremen. He died shortly before his 61st birthday. His son Wolfgang Gabcke became a mathematician in Göttingen.


  • Bremerhaven then and now . Ditzen, Bremerhaven 1969.
  • 150 years of Bremerhaven. 1827-1977. Bremerhaven then and now . Ditzen, Bremerhaven 1978.
  • The destruction of Wesermünde on the night of bombing on September 18, 1944 - a memory after 40 years . Small publications from the City Archives, Bremerhaven 1985.
  • Harry Gabcke, Renate Gabcke, Herbert Körtge: Bremerhaven: earlier - yesterday - today . Nordwestdeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Bremerhaven 1998, ISBN 3-927857-98-X .
