Hartwig Schmidenstet

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Hartwig Schmidenstet (also: Hartwich Schmiedenstedt, Schmidtstedt Smidenstedt Smedenstet ; * April 17, 1539 in Lüneburg , † July 31, 1595 ibid) was a German rhetorician.


Hartwig came from a middle-class family. His father was also called Hartwig Smedenstedt and his mother was Magdalena Schulte (born November 10, 1592 in Helmstedt). After visiting the Johanneum Lüneburg , he went to Rostock in 1551 to see his uncle Heinrich Smedenstedt . In April 1555 he enrolled at the University of Rostock and continued his studies on September 11, 1562 at the University of Wittenberg . After holding private lectures in Wittenberg for some time, he was appointed professor of rhetoric and history at the University of Königsberg in 1568 .

He took over this task in 1569. The internal Protestant disputes between Tilemann Hesshus and Johann Wigand , however, spoiled this task for him. Therefore, in June 1579, he accepted a call to the University of Helmstedt , where he took over the professorship of rhetoric on July 17th of the same year. 1583/84, 1586, 1588/89, 1591/92 and 1594, Dean of the Philosophical Faculty. While visiting relatives, he died in the city of his birth and was buried there.

On February 14, 1569, he married Anna Tripte, the daughter of a merchant from Wittenberg, in Wittenberg. The marriage remained childless.

Works (selection)

  • Refutandi Oratoria Forma, Imitationi ex Maniliana quidem oratione in quodam nostro assumpto argumento proposita sed ad loca etiam Ciceronis alia pleraque studiosae elaborata, tum vt copiae aemulatione, partes Refutationis certubae ex formis Ciceronis diuersis quaererodtur, tumero diuersis quaererodtur , ipsa locorum diuersitate dissimularetur. Helmstedt 1585 ( online )
  • Oratio Funebris de Illustrissimo principe ac Domino, Domino Julio Brunovicensium ac Lunaeburgensium Duce. Helmstedt 1589 ( online )
  • Observationes Oratoriae, ad Ciceronis dilatatam copiam repertae, & exemplis adiectis imitationis, in dicendi vsum ciuilem & ecclesiasticum illustratae. Helmstedt 1594 ( online )
  • Ciceronianarum Oratio num Status et Horum ad res civiles accommodatio. Helmstedt 1590 ( online )


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