Hasan Riza Pasha

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Hasan Riza Pasha

Hasan Riza Pascha (* 1871 in Baghdad , Vilâyet Baghdad , † January 30, 1913 in Skutari ) was a general in the Ottoman army .

Riza Pascha was the son of the Ottoman statesman Mehmed Namık Pascha from Kastamonu . He entered the Ottoman Military Academy in 1892, which he graduated on March 13, 1895. He continued his studies in the German Empire from 1899 to 1900 . After serving in Iraq from 1901 to 1911 , he was promoted to the rank of general and appointed Vâli des Vilâyet Shkodra .

During the Battle of Scutari in 1912 he led the high command and became a symbol of resistance against the Montenegrin invasion. As a saying is passed down:

"Scutari is our fate or our grave, but not our shame."

On January 30, 1913, he was shot by Osman Bali and Mehmet Kavaja, two Albanians who were Essad Pascha Toptani's henchmen . As a result, Essad Pasha was to hand the city over to the Montenegrins.

Monument in Shkodra

Hasan Riza Pasha was buried in Shkodra. A monument was erected in his honor, and a Turkish- Albanian college in Shkodra still bears his name today. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Bravery First Class ( Albanian Trimëri e Klasit të Parë ) in August 1996 by the President of the Republic of Albania Sali Berisha .  

Web links

Commons : Hasan Riza Pascha  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Shkodra përkujtoi Hasan Riza Pashën (Shkodra commemorates Hasan Riza Pasha). lajmeshqip.com, March 18, 2011, accessed December 6, 2014 (Albanian).
  2. ^ A b Robert Elsie : A Biographical Dictionary of Albanian History . IB Tauris, 2012, ISBN 978-1-78076-431-3 , pp. 192 ( online ).
  3. Hasan Riza Pasha. In: A Biographical Dictionary of Albanian History. Robert Elsie, ed. (IB Tauris, 2012) p. 193.
  4. ^ Door Miranda Vickers: The Albanians: A Modern History . 1999 ( online ).
  5. Prenk Ulli: Hasan Riza Pasha: Mbrojtës i Shkodrës në luften Ballkanike, 1912-1913 . Albin, Shkodër, Albanien 1995, p. 34-40 ( online [accessed June 13, 2011]).